Monday, September 9, 2013

Roll Tide!

Yea! Football season is here! The Falls love football. :)

Here is a picture of Owen and his Daddy watching the first football game this year.

Owen is true to his Alabama football team. We've kind of slacked on teaching him his "football facts". We've taught him Roll Tide, the coach, and a few other things. We taught him Auburn was yucky.  Our sweet baby took it to heart. He refused to watch the Auburn game during halftime. He said they were yucky, disgusting, and hurt his eyes. Later in the week, he said "Mommy, PLEASE don't ever make me watch Auburn again!"

He even makes up jokes about Auburn, which is something he has heard neither me nor his Daddy do.

One of his jokes went a little like this...

"Hey Mommy! Auburn eats poo poo waffles for breakfast!"

Owen is quite the character. Our pediatrician sent us a list of things he should be doing at two years old. He should be talking in two word sentences, and have a vocabulary of 50 words. I would say he blows that out of the water. I know I brag about him, but he is my pride and joy. He deserves my praises. :) I am glad our pediatrician sent the list. It reminds me of how Owen is STILL a baby, and I don't need to expect too much of him. :)

I can't believe how much Owen has changed over the past few football seasons!!!!

Here are some pictures of Owen at the Laney's football kickoff party last year. Are these not the sweetest, cutest, babies EVER?!?! (Yes, Owen's pants are on backwards...sometimes moms of toddlers just don't have it together)

I might have cried a little while going through these pictures. Thank goodness my pediatrician reminded me that two year olds are still babies not too long ago...


One of my favorite pictures EVER! I can hear both of their little one year old laughs as I look at it. Sniff...Sniff

If I remember right, they were discussing the moon.

Here are some pictures from the football kickoff party the year before. This was Owen's first football season. I am so sad we missed the Laney's football party this year. We have made so many fun memories!!!

Here is a look back on Owen's first tailgating experience. He had an allergic reaction to the air freshner in the bathroom, and we ended our trip early.

Owen attended his first football game at 4 months old. He will be going to another game this year on October 5th.

Some of my favorite football season pictures of Owen...

Asking Santa for a National Championship
Santa gave him what he wanted-Owen's first National Championship

Roll Tide sweet little baby! Slow down time! My baby is growing too fast. If only they could stay babies forever!!!