Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A blog about Owen...

Owen sometimes gets left out these days. Babies have so many milestones to blog about! However, he is still special, and I think a preschooler is just as cute/precious as a baby any day. I realized Owen has had a few milestones himself these days... The pictures are a little random, but this blog is about Owen and ONLY Owen.

We love you to the moon and back my precious Owen!

Opening a present on his birthday...

I still can't believe my baby is three!

We had so much fun with this!

First dentist check up...


He's potty-trained!

Maybe not a milestone, but he is a very serious cowboy. ;)

Yee Haw!
We went to an Excel-A-Bration at the Jones Park recently. 

Owen got to see an ambulance for the first time...

And play tennis for the first time...

Owen had his first dental procedure done. He had three little cavities. (probably due to him having to drink juice as an infant due to digestive issues) He was a champ!!!! We love Dr. Flowers. They gave Owen some "goofy juice" and let him pick out a scented Mickey Mouse nose for his nitrous. Owen sat still the entire time. He never moved, flinched, or anything. I will drive four hours to see Dr. Flowers anytime!

Stay tuned for Owen's third birthday blog...

6 months!

Stats: 18 lbs 12 oz (71st percentile) and was 26 inches long (32nd percentile).

Clothing Size: 9 months

Diaper Size: Size 4 or second rise on your cloth diapers

Firsts: First food! Barbecue!

Milestones:  Sitting up! Rolling EVERYWHERE!

Food: Just breast milk when you are hungry.

Likes: Babbling. Your brother...Your keys
Dislikes:  Loud noises and getting your boogers sucked out.

Best Moment: Seeing how proud you were of sitting up!

Worst Moment: None this month. Yea!

Sleep: Pretty much the same as last month. Napping 3 times with some cat naps in between. Sleeping with Mommy and Daddy at night. You could totally sleep in your crib. Mommy just gets anxiety when you aren't next to me at night. Plus, the snuggles are pretty awesome!

Favorites: Your laugh and how happy you are!

Our days: Pretty much the same as last month.

Nicknames: Bubba, Boo, Boo Boo, Squishy Squish

Health: so so healthy!

Things I want to remember...

Your sweet chunky cheeks.

The sweet smell of your baby breath.

The way you look at me with your mouth open when you want to eat.

Your giggle.
Your shy look...
6 month checkup...

Favorite pictures from month 5-6!