Saturday, January 10, 2015

11 Months!

Stats:  21 lbs
Clothing Size: 12 months
Diaper Size: Size 4
Firsts: Trip to Kangarooz! Christmas!

 Teeth: 6

Milestones:  Crawling up the stairs! Cruising the furniture. Goodness Gracious you are learning new words!
New words this month:
More- Mow
All Done- Ah do (usually screams this)
Bath- Ba
Words from previous months...
Ball- Bah!
Hi- I!
Hey- Ey!
Dog -Dah!
Bye Bye
Tree- E!
Num Num- as soon as you see food you say this over and over

Food:  The only thing you won't eat is eggs. You still try to eat your books and paper if you get your hands on it. You eat everything, but you love MEAT! You also really like banana puffs and apple slices.  Breast milk as you please all day and night.... 

 Likes:  Any toys your brother has... The "Peek a Who?" book. Crawling up the stairs. Cords! Wet Wipes! Tearing up napkins.  Mashing food in your hair. Pointing and saying Oh! Oh! You get so excited. You love to go "Bye". You love to take all of the DVDs from the TV cabinet.  Throwing balls or anything that resembles a ball. Making people laugh.  Putting food on your head. Trying to get into the cabinet Mommy has locked. Trying to climb the refrigerator shelves like a ladder. You love all of your ball drop toys. You are a kissing fool! You love to kiss...
 Dislikes:  The word No. You have the lip curl mastered. Sleeping in your own bed. Sneezing- you cry! I think it is because you know I am going to wipe your nose.
Sleep:  At this point, I am hoping you will sleep through the night by your eighteenth birthday. *kidding*
Favorites: Your personality. Your determination. Your goofy little grin. Your sweet kisses when you say MMMM WAH! Your hearty laugh! When you try to make me laugh. Yesterday, you put your mum mum bar on your head and crawled around the kitchen.

 Our days: When you wake up you want "num num" then you play, play, play. Mommy tries to get you to nap. We have a little schedule throughout the week so that we get out daily and you and Owen are with other children often. We go to Excel by 5, the library, Bear Cub Club, and Music Class each week. We save one day to do what Owen picks or a MOMS Club activity. We come home for lunch and or attempt a nap. Then we usually play outside or in brother's room. The only time you really want to nap is right before dinner. You take a little cat nap and are ready to eat. Then we have baths, books, and you fall asleep on the couch with me.

Nicknames: Bubba, Boo, Boo Boo ,Butterbean, Tator Tot

Health: Healthy!

 Things I want to remember...
I would love to freeze time! You are so funny, sweet, and loveable!
Pictures from Month 10!