Saturday, September 21, 2013

More fun with O man!

I can't tell you how much fun Owen and I have playing together! I am way behind on posting pictures, because we are just too busy playing and taking pictures to have time to post them. :)

I apologize for the picture overload, and there really is no order to this blog....just everything we've done lately!

Some days, we play until little my sweet little baby's eyes just can't stay open any longer...

Owen loves making handprints and footprints!

One rainy day, I let Owen play in the kitchen sink with his boats. We had recently read a book from the library about boats, and why they float. Owen loves non-fiction books, and learning about different things. I am not sure what he loved more, his boat book, or playing with his boats in the kitchen sink?

What do you do when Mommy buys 40 lbs of cloth diaper laundry detergent on sale from Amazon? Play in the box of course!!!

Owen and I recently participated in a service project with the MOMS Club. We made baskets for police stations and fire fighters for 9/11. I love teaching Owen about how to serve others. :) I am so grateful to be a member of a club that gives us these great opportunites.

Meet one of Owen's stuffed friends....this is George. Owen and George like to match. :) I am obsessed with this picture. :)

We recently ate at the "Dog House" downtown. They have an ice cream cooler, and Owen picked out an ice cream cone for dessert. He wanted to eat the cone first. I let him be a little boy, and do just that. Messes don't bother this Mama one bit, they make the best memories. We just love making messes and memories together. (and this made a REALLY big mess, and a great memory I will cherish forever)

After cleaning up our ice cream at the restaurant, we went to a small park in the downtown area to let Owen run around. He calls it the "grass running park", because there isn't any playground equipment.

Owen's "treasure leaf". Rocks and leaves are really big treasures. We have to save them all for our "treasure bag".

We had to leave so that I could make my chiropractor appointment. Owen thought if he laid in the grass, I might not make him leave.

We celebrated a victory against Texas A & M! Owen seemed to be our good luck charm. While he was napping we were behind, when Owen woke up so did our football team. :) Owen loved helping me make the buffalo chicken dip. I think he ate the cheese as fast as I could shred it!

Saying Roll Tide!

Stress eating with the Falls...

Owen and I ventured to Tippin Park with the MOMS Club. He loved it. It made me a little nervous, because there are lots of things there that are too big for Owen to climb on. He still climbs on them though. Mommy = nervous wreck.

After our park trip, we were REALLY hungry. We went to Moe's. Owen got his taco in a bowl, rather than a shell. He had a bowl of chicken, cheese, and olives. He was quite the ham at lunch.

Owen's got mail, from his best buddy Ev!!

Sometimes, we put Owen to work. The other morning he insisted on making my breakfast. What a sweet boy! He has the most caring heart. This kitchen helper is the best invention ever. We use it for "helping", playing, etc. I use it with Owen at least 3 times a day!

At the beginning of this blog, I mentioned Owen loves learning from books. I've been checking out non-fiction books for Owen. He likes them better, and I feel he learns more from them. We get three books every 1-2 weeks. His last set of books were My First Day (a book about animals and what they do on the first day they are born), About Amphibians, and About Penguins.

We did some frog artwork to go along with Owen's Amphibian book.

Making Bingo Dauber frogs...

Making a pond to display the life cycle of a frog... (Owen can tell you the life cycle of a frog with very little help) I wish I could find some tadpoles. I looked in our pond, and didn't see any. I am guessing they are "out of season".

We also made a fuzzy penguin to go along with Owen's penguin book. This baby boy LOVES to glue!

He gets so proud!

I don't expect Owen to act like a four year old, and do "work" all the time. In fact, the only reason we do these "art progrets" (as he calls them) is because he asks. I think two year olds should do their own thing. Play shouldn't be structured, at all.

In fact, I cringe when people play with him and try to give him "instructions", or correct him for playing "wrong". Play should be fun, there is no wrong way to play! Don't break his spirit. Let him be two. He has his whole life to be serious.

I fully believe in letting him be little, and I was so excited when he asked to make his OWN painting. I love when he acts like a two year old, instead of so "growny"...

Owen's beautiful abstract piece of art...

Yesterday, we opened a Christmas present from last year that Uncle Christopher got him. Owen LOVES his race car track. We played with it for about 2 hours!

...And now we are patiently waiting for the Tide to Roll again...

Owen has made his OWN tailgating snacks...."Play Doh Pizzas"

Even Fred Food Face is ready for the game. He wore a red Crimson Tide hat and a Taco Salad beard at lunch today...

Until next time...Roll Tide!