Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Since I last updated...

...we've done A LOT! I just can't keep up. :)

We took Owen to see Planes. He was so excited about going, yet I think he was kind of disappointed with the movie. Every time the preview came on, he reminded us that we promised to take him there. Owen has seen several movies. He usually sits there in complete silence. This time he was just a little bit bored. The movie had too much of a story line for two year olds. It was also nap time. Near the end, Owen started singing Old McDonald. :)

Here are Owen and Daddy before the movie. I think you can see the excitement on his little face.

He wasn't too sure about posing in front to the sign. ;)

Owen went to the last Blue Wahoos game of the season with his Daddy. They played the Birmingham Barons. Owen and Daddy enjoyed their father son date. I think everyone around them enjoyed it as well. Matt said Owen had the whole section laughing, and watching him rather than the game.

Upon arrival, he told everyone about what he loves...

"I love baseball, I love sitting in your lap Daddy, I love popcorn, I love M & Ms, I love the Wahoos..."

Apparently, Owen was concerned that nobody's wife was there. I usually go with the boys, but I was packing for my Great Grandmother's funeral.

Owen looked up at the man sitting next to them and said...

"Hey Man! Where's your wife?"

(I didn't even know he knew the word wife!)

He also sang his own version of  "Take me out the Ball Game" , drawing out the notes of course.

Owen lasted the whole game. He usually does. He LOVES baseball. After the game was over, he ran the bases. Running the bases makes him so proud!

Here is a picture of my little Wahoo before the game...

We recently made a trip to Enterprise. It was unexpected. Grandma passed away at 94 years old. We went home for the funeral, and to give Gangan some support. I was so proud of Gangan. She is holding up so well. Her mother was her very best friend. :)

We tried to keep Owen happy throughout the trip. Two year olds should always be happy, and have no reason to feel sadness. :)

Owen enjoyed chasing butterflies in his Toy Story pajamas. Papa even caught a few for him. Owen held them and released them into the air. I wish I could have known what was going through his mind.

Owen cracked me up while he was chasing the butterflies. He was "bribing" them to fly his way. He kept saying "Come here butterflies, I need to show you something." (wonder where he has heard that before)

Owen and Pappy engaged in some silly conversations. They also enjoyed blueberries and apples together.

Owen and Gangan were silly too! Owen loves to play with Gangan's boo boo bear.

We've had lots of fun making silly faces with Owen's "Fred Food Face".

Abe has been growing like a WEED! I wore my first pair of maternity shorts at 17 1/2 weeks. They were still quite big, but it won't be long now...

Owen and I went to "Motherhood" at our church on the same day I wore my first maternity clothes. :) Hillcrest is having a Motherhood class every second Monday of the month. It was great!

We talked about showing our children God's grace. Sometimes when children are misbehaving rather than being punished, they need to be shown God's grace. They just need some cookies and a talk with Mom. :)

We also talked about different ways to praise our children. I've been trying hard to praise Owen more. Sometimes, in the two year old world it is easy to constantly correct them, and just forget to tell them how special they are. They gave us a worksheet with 100 ways to praise your children. I am thinking about taping it to my bathroom mirror, so that I don't forget how important it is! I think one of Owen's favorite praises is hearing how special he is to Matt and I. 

We also received a worksheet with "Grace Prayers".  Owen colored all over the couch later that afternoon with a ballpoint pen, and I had to say one of those grace prayers. (by the way rubbing alcohol instantly takes out ballpoint pen stains!) The prayer I said went like this...

Just for today, I will ask for His grace, the moment when I am most repelled by my child's behavior, that is my sign to draw the very closest to that child.

After saying my "grace" prayer, Owen and I sat down and played some puzzles together before I tackled cleaning the couch. (while talking about how much I loved his art work, but it looked much better on paper)

We talked about inspiring our children, giving them the gift of faith, training, and teaching them to serve. I pray I do these things for Owen every day.

Owen will participate in his first service project tomorrow. We are making baskets for police officers and firefighters for 9/11, and delivering them. I am so happy to teach him how important it is to serve others.

We also had lots of fun at Motherhood. I painted with my fellow Moms, and Owen played Play-Doh and blocks with his friends at church. We also enjoyed yummy snacks. Owen LOVES eating animal crackers at church. He was super excited that he was in a 2 and up class. There were some older kids in the room. Hopefully, he didn't learn any new tricks or sayings. ;)

We learned an interesting fact, preschoolers laugh about 300 times a day. Wouldn't it be great if we as adults could take the time to have that zeal for life?

I look forward to growing with fellow Moms from my church. I am so blessed that our church offers this wonderful program to the community.

Here is my piece of artwork from Motherhood. I am not very artistic, but Owen was proud of it! He thinks I painted a picture just for him, and he has carried this painting around for two days.

Speaking of artwork, Owen is quite the artist. He loves to paint!

I know this has been picture overload, but the fun has just begun! I still have to update on Abe's gender reveal party, our Arab trip, and our trip to Gulf Shores. We like to keep busy over here! Stay tuned!!!!