Thursday, September 12, 2013

18 weeks!!!!

How far along? 18 weeks  
first baby bump!

Baby Size: Bell Pepper (according to Babycenter!) 

Total weight gain/loss: 5-6 lbs 

Maternity clothes?  They are still a little big, but I wore my first pair two days ago. :)

Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: I've been going to sleep about 7 this week. We've had a busy couple of weeks, with lots of travel. I have been tired, but I think I am just catching up. Traveling is hard when you are growing a human being. ;) Owen has also been up every night since Abe's Gender reveal due to nightmares/night terrors. I hate seeing my baby crying and shaking in fear. :( Usually, when he goes back to sleep, I can't!

Best Moment this week? Nothing new!

Miss Anything? Not that I can think of

Movement: I still feel flutters and a few kicks, but they can't be felt from the outside.

Food cravings:  Ravioli (craved this with Owen too), Lays Potato Chips, and Life Savers Peppermints (I eat them like chips...I love them!). Why can't pregnant women crave celery???

Anything making you queasy or sick: Most Meats especially grilled meats.

Gender prediction:Well we know now! It's a BOY!

Labor Signs:  No 

Have you started to show yet: I think so! Still kind of look fat instead of pregnant sometimes. I have people say you STILL aren't showing?!?! (nobody had to tell me that with Owen) I also have people say WOW! You are really showing! So take your pick. :)

Belly Button in or out?  In 

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Symptoms: Headaches (going to the chiro today! YAY!) and tired.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy

Looking forward to: Matt being able to feel Abe kick!