Thursday, August 1, 2013

12 weeks!

Baby Fall is the size of a lime.

 12 weeks

How far along? 12 weeks

Total weight gain?  I'm actually 3 lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight, so I guess -3.
Maternity clothes? Nope

Stretch marks? None. Praying this pregnancy as nice to me as Owen's was.

Sleep? It would be nice! Unfortunately, my morning sickness has turned into "night" sickness. I usually wake up somewhere between 1 and 3AM with nausea. I have been up since 1AM today. Somehow, I am still functioning....

Best moment last week? Hiring a doula and birth photographer
Movement? I am not were fluttering. I only feel it every so often though.

Food cravings? This question made me gag. I hate food right now. Luckily, I can eat if we go out to eat and I don't see it raw or have to smell it cooking. I usually feel sick afterwards, but at least I can eat!
Gender? I finally have that gut feeling that I had with Owen. (and I was right!) I think we are having a girl. I will be shocked if we find out boy.

Labor signs? Nada...

Belly button in/out? In. It stayed in with Owen the entire pregnancy.

Missing? My appetite and days without nausea. ;)

Looking forward to? Getting out of the morning sickness stage. (sorry it has really taken a toll on me this week!)

Milestones? I met with the doula today, and we talked about my birth desires.

Heart rate? I added this question. I am going to start checking the heart rate every post. I don't know how accurate my home monitor is, but it said 158.

I have an appointment next week, so stay tuned!

Watch Baby Fall #2 Grow...