Monday, August 12, 2013

Caleb's Birthday!

I can't believe sweet baby Caleb is one year old!

It seems like it was just yesterday, I got the best call from his precious Mommy. She and Josh had received the call they had been waiting for! They would be parents in less than a week. :) Matt and I prayed so hard for Josh and Nicole, and we knew this day would come. We were so excited for them!!!

I don't know how Nicole held it together. She and Josh were in the middle of moving from Trussville to Mobile, and they only had a week to plan for their new arrival. I had 9 months to prepare for Owen, and was a basket case. She had less than a week, yet she seemed so calm.

Owen and I quickly ran to the garage, and pulled out as many things as we could find to share with Baby Caleb. I could have hugged Nicole forever when she came to pick it up.

I will never forget the day I met Caleb. He was (and still is) such a beautiful baby! I will also never forget the looks on Josh and Nicole's faces every time they looked at him. A parent's love for their child, is indescribable, and it was written all over there faces.

At one years old, his smile lights up the room. Caleb sure is blessed! He is loved by so many people. I know his Mommy and Daddy love him more than he will ever know.

Owen was so excited to celebrate Caleb's birthday this past weekend. I do believe birthday parties are the highlight of a two year old's life. :)

We started Caleb's birthday party at the pool. A little thunderstorm interrupted us for a bit. Owen enjoyed doing what he does best....EATING!

My little Dorito mouth boy!

"Watch this! I can make this juicebox work WITHOUT a straw."

About the time the boys started getting antsy to swim, the thunderstorm passed. These two LOVE the water!

One of Caleb's favorite words is "ball".  Watching him play with this tennis ball, brought back so many memories of "yesterday", when Owen was just turning one. 

Love this!

I bought a beach ball for Owen and Caleb to play with from Target a few days before the party. I thought it was a regular beach ball. I thought wrong. Poor Matt was a good sport and blew it up anyways. :)

Meet the biggest beach ball in the world...

After swimming for a few hours, we dried off, and headed back to the house for pizza.

So sweet!

Reading a book with Daddy, while waiting to eat.

After eating pizza, Caleb opened his presents. Poor Owen was a little confused. He thought he got Caleb a present to "share" with him. Apparently, he doesn't quite get the concept of "gift-giving". He didn't complain, but he keeps asking me if "I 'member those instruments he shared with Baby Cabeb".

Time for Cake! Is this not the cutest cake? Caleb is such a cute little brown baby. We love his sweet little tan.

Ms. Nicole knows just what two year old boys like! Sugary Mickey Mouse ears of course!

"I want to eat my OWN cake, ALLLLLL by myself."

I wish I had a picture, but the best part of the night happened after the party. Owen loves Nicole's mother, Ms. Kim, just about as much as Baby Caleb. He was helping her give Baby Caleb a bath, and took a head first dive into the bathtub clothes and all. The adults were talking in the kitchen, and we looked up and saw little naked Owen with a towel draped around him. He looked ashamed and said "Mommy I am wet". There is never a dull moment with toddlers around!

Happy Birthday, Caleb! We love you so much! You are a true blessing from God.  I can't wait to watch the friendship between you and Owen grow!