Thursday, August 15, 2013

14 weeks

How far along? 14 weeks  

Baby Size: Lemon (according to Babycenter!) 

Total weight gain/loss: I have gained 1 lb this pregnancy. Time to get fat and happy! 

Maternity clothes?  I tried them on the other day, and they were definitely too big. My pants are hard to button. I've been wearing lots of Nike shorts, dresses, and one pair of shorts that were a little too big before I was pregnant. 

Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: I am still really tired. Hoping the exhaustion phase wears off soon. (It should!)

Best Moment this week? Going to the chiropractor! I seriously don't know how I ever lived before the chiropractor. I guess I just took a lot of Alieve and assumed the way I felt was normal. It is so nice to feel 16 again. ;) In all seriousness, I feel like a new person since my appointment. Dr. J is awesome!!! I saw a few others, and had results, but it took a lot of time. Anyone who doesn't like the chiropractor, hasn't found the right one! His results are pretty much immediate. He takes his time, stretches you on the table, massages you before he pops anything....I am never sore, and see immediate results. Every pregnant woman deserves to see a chiropractor. :) 

Miss Anything? Life is pretty normal. I guess I am ready for the headaches, exhaustion, and nausea to completely disappear. 

Movement: I still feel you fluttering around a few times a day. 

Food cravings:  Anything Raw. Fruits, vegetables...etc. I also LOVE Moe's. Band Camp Burrito Bowl with pinto beans, black beans, rice, corn salsa, a dab of sour cream, cheese, queso, and lettuce. MMMMMM! 

Anything making you queasy or sickMeat. Yuck! I don't care for any of it. The only meat I have been able to eat is chicken fingers. Chicken Fingers covered in buffalo sauce. I can also eat ground beef now that I think about it, but only on Nachos or in Chili. Not exactly healthy, so I will stick to my salads! (pregnancy is so strange)  

Gender prediction: Girl! Matt and I find out Sept. 4th. Everyone else finds out on the 7th. Owen is going to announce with a box of pink or blue balloons. We had to include little man. :) 

Labor Signs:  No 

Have you started to show yet: No. I just look fat to be honest. :) Ready for the baby bump instead of looking like I ate about 10 hamburgers for breakfast. 

Belly Button in or out?  In 

Wedding rings on or off?  On. I never had to take them off with Owen. Although, I have noticed my fingers slightly resemble sausages when I go outside for too long. :)  

Symptoms: Nausea has subsided A LOT this week. I am not sick all day. Instead, I am sick about 2 or 3 times a day. Major improvement. Car rides still get me if I am in the back seat. I've started getting headaches. Extra Strength Tylenol seems to do the trick. I haven't had one since I left the chiropractor. Yay!  

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Do I have to answer this honestly? I was a "happy" pregnant lady with Owen. I am pretty moody this time. It doesn't take much to make me upset or angry. Patience wears thin most of the time.  

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender, of course!

14 weeks