Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our journey into the TERRIFIC Twos.....

This little boy...

is intelligent, witty, caring, generous, pleasing, hilarious, loving, sometimes bossy and demanding, imaginative, honest, has the vocabulary of a 5 year old, and is oh so loveable! He has our hearts wrapped around his precious little finger. He amazes me daily. I honestly can't remember life without him, but it sure must've been boring!

Owen is such a blessing in our lives! I can't even describe how much I love my sweet little boy. :)

I am sure I've blogged about this before, but I don't particularly like the popular term "terrible twos". I've decided to call them TERRIFIC twos.  Yes, Owen can be bossy, demanding, and throw a fit or two (or a million)....I can't imagine how hard it is to be two, and not understand why you are told no about EVERYTHING. Owen isn't/nor will he ever be anything but TERRIFIC. He is a blessing from God. None of God's blessings should be called "terrible"....ever! Even when having a "bad" day....My baby is TERRIFIC!

Owen is still super tiny. Who would've thought my almost 9lb 2l 1/2 inch long baby would be tiny? That chunky little monkey...is so little. I don't really notice it until he is around other kids. He weighs about 23 lbs soaking wet. He is in 18 month clothes. He is finally starting to outgrow some of those and wear some 24 month clothing. As far as shorts go...he has one pair that fits that don't look like daisy dukes. They are a size 9 months. He is healthy as a horse, just tall and skinny.

Owen's favorite show is Cailou. Oh how he loves that show. He would watch it all day long. He thinks the characters are real. Some days when he wakes up he says "C'mon Mommy, we gotta go feed Gilbert". (Gilbert is Cailou's cat) He also wonders what "Jeffrey and Jason" are doing... all the time.

Owen (as all two year olds) takes everything literally. The other day he picked up a book I made for Matt with pictures in it from when we were dating. Matt said "This is from when Daddy was fat." Owen preceded to point out every picture and let Matt know he was fat. "Look Daddy there you are fat watching a baseball game". We told him not to throw all of his toys out last night, so he didn't. He took them all out gently and placed them on the floor. He keeps us laughing, and on our toes. You have to be specific with a two year old.

One of Owen's favorite words is ridiculous. He brought me a bowl earlier. I thought we were pretending to eat, so I pretended to eat this imaginary food. He said "Mommy quit being ridiculous....that is a TOY." My bad....get it right Mommy....

We talk about good choices and bad choices a lot. If Owen's sees a police car he says "Mommy that man made a REALLY bad choice. He has to go to jail now." There is no get out of jail free card with Owen. You speed, you go to jail....

Speaking of police...Owen is the stop light police. When we get to a red light he yells "STOP MOMMY!!!". At street crossings, he reminds us the "hand means stop". He is such a rule follower...

Owen recognizes signs. If he sees a bullseye he shouts "THERE'S TARGET MOMMY!!!". He also knows "Pugix" (Publix), and a few others. Maybe this means I shop to much?

Owen loves to pretend to be a magician. (not sure where he got this from) He turns food at Publix into rabbits, and make things disappear only to be found behind Mommy's ear.

Owen loves playing outside. He will walk around for hours. He loves to pick up rocks, and bring them home for his "treasure bag."

Owen is very generous. We have non-sharing days once in a blue moon, but for the most part he loves to share. He had just picked up a toy at the children's museum the other day, and an older kid (about 10 years old) snatched it from him. If it was a two year old, I wouldn't have stepped in, but 10 years old? He was just bullying the little kids. It made me mad, and I said "Will you please give that back to Owen? He will let you play with it when he is finished." Owen told me "It is okay Mommy, I just sharing, he can have a turn." Well, alright!

These pictures just represent Owen's sweet, caring heart...

When Owen wants to do something fun he calls it "an adventure". "C'mon Mommy, let's go on an adventure to the park!"

He doesn't have a shy bone in his body. We went to our clubhouse's summer party this past weekend. They had lots of children's games. I would say the youngest child that participated was probably 6, and then there was Owen. He did the Limbo, Hot Potato, and the "Cha Cha Slide". He tried so hard to follow all of the directions to the Cha Cha Slide. It was so cute! I will blog about it soon. :)

When Owen gets scared he ROARS like a dragon.

Owen says thank you and I am sorry about everything. "Thank you for making my breakfast, Mommy". "I am sorry I dropped a cheerio." So well mannered... We are working on yes mam. Everyone is a "mam" right now. This morning he said "Yes Mam, I want waffles for breakfast, Yes Mam". It kind of made me feel like a drill sargent.

Owen loves for me to "tell him stories". He loves stories about when he was a teeny baby.

Speaking of babies, he loves to kiss Mommy's belly and tell his baby stories. When we go to the doctor he always asks Ms. Jenny if she is going to "take the baby out". He pretends to be a baby sometimes too. For some reason saying "Goo Goo" is hilarious to my sweet O.

Owen loves to start sentences with "You know what, Mommy?"

Every morning when Owen wakes up he says "I need a kiss and a hug". So sweet!

This is what Owen does when I ask him to smile for pictures...

Owen loves drawing pictures. If I leave out a notebook and pen while I go make the bed, by the time I get back the whole notebook is filled with Owen's doodles. He tries to write his name. He can write the letter O, and then it is bunch of scribbles.

Owen loves to read the Bible, but not his Baby Bible. I don't know if you know this but Owen is "weally, weally, big". He needs to read Daddy's Bible. It always amazes me that he can listen to Matt read a chapter from the Bible. I am not sure how much he understands, but I am happy that he loves reading the Bible.

Owen loves to pray with his stuffed animals. Super Sweet!

He LOVES birthday parties! Owen turns two every day. We have to sing Happy Birthday, and blow out the candles.

Owen has counted to twenty with me one time, but his favorite number is 11. He will only count to 11 now.

Owen knows some of his letters. Not sure which ones, but the other day while watching Super Why, he started shouting out the super letters. He got every one of them right. I took out an ABC puzzle, and tried to get him to show me what he knows, but he didn't want to do that right now.

We are potty trained. He really hasn't had many accidents since he was 23 months and asked to go potty. Every once in a while he will have an off day with a few accidents, but he is still so young. I am super proud of him, and we just don't make a big deal when he has an accident. I think sitting on the potty is Owen's favorite past time. A little bird told me, his Daddy used to do the same. He sits on the potty, talks about life, and sings songs. Some days it is an hour affair....

Owen loves to pretend. His imagination is so vivid. We catch monkeys, run from dragons, play pretend sports, and have imaginary people over daily. Some days Owen's imagination gets carried away, and he gets a little scared. He will say "Mommy there's not really wolves? I was just pretending. Wolf not gonna get me?"

I love how Owen asks me to play with him. He will say "Mommy would you like to play with me? Would you like to play backetball?". (basketball)

If you ask Owen a question and he doesn't know what to say, he says "I can't 'member". (remember)

Owen loves to add every day, every time, or forever and ever to the end of his sentences. It is always very exaggerated. Examples..."Mommy you make a mess EVERY TIME." "I love Cailou forever and ever..."

If Owen does something wrong and I correct him, he says "I will get nice Mommy".

Owen is not scared of the water at all. He goes under, and will swim everywhere. I love this picture. Look at his crossed legs in the background.

Owen LOVES to sing. He knows so many songs start to finish. He even makes up songs about what he is doing or playing.

I'm sure I've missed some of the precious things he does. I try to keep up, but it is hard!

I will end with a few precious pictures. Owen, as most two year olds, loves to imitate. I go to Fit Mama's every Friday. We do yoga. Owen plays with the kids, and I didn't think he paid much attention to what we were doing. Boy, was I wrong. Look at this perfect form. ;)

Perfect Downward Dog