Wednesday, July 10, 2013

REALLY EXCITING news at the Fall house!!!!!

We have some BIG news!!!!! I will let Owen announce. :)

We have known for 4 1/2 weeks, and I have managed to keep the secret. (other than family) Keeping secrets is not easy for me!

Here is our first ultrasound, just a small gestational sac.

We were excited that the gestational sac was perfectly round, but didn't want to tell our secret just yet to everyone.

Matt and I got pregnant so easily with Owen, but this pregnancy was a different story. We tried for over a year, and had an early miscarriage in January. I debated on whether or not to publicly post this, but I just don't know why people don't talk about those kinds of things. It might make the coping process a little easier. Honestly, I didn't know how I was supposed to feel because nobody talks about it. Was I just supposed to pretend it never happened?  I felt as if I was being ridiculous, because I already had this perfect son. What about the people who can't have children at all? They would do anything to have what I do. But...It didn't change the fact that we had lost another baby...and it was heartbreaking. I thought I was being ridiculous to be so upset, because nobody ever really discusses a first trimester miscarriage. It is always this "big secret". Maybe that is how some woman cope, and I respect that.  As a woman, as soon as you "pee on the stick" you feel connected. (or at least I do) So even early miscarriages hurt, and I personally don't think people should bottle it up. :) If you are going through the same thing we did, it is okay to be upset, and it gets better. :) I am so glad as a Christian I know I will get to meet our little one, one day. Matt and I tried to look at the bright side of things, and we are thankful God took our sweet little baby early. I couldn't imagine losing a baby later in pregnancy, or heaven forbid after holding the baby in my arms. It takes a strong woman to be able to manage that.

We were blessed to find out we are pregnant again recently. I know this baby is worth the wait and tears we had in the process of trying to get pregnant! We just can't wait to meet him or her!

We were going to wait until after the first trimester to publicly announce, but we had a WONDERFUL appointment today. It changed our minds, and we can't quit smiling.

They were able to find our baby's sweet heartbeat with the doppler. It was a strong 181. :)  Our CNM, Jenny Allen, told us after finding the heartbeat with a doppler our chances of miscarriage were less than 3%. We felt comfortable announcing after hearing this wonderful news.

We are going to miss Dr. Heaton so much. We are also going to miss St. Vincents Hospital. They don't make hospitals like St. Vincents and Brookwood in Pensacola. They are definitely "hospital rooms", and not a "home away from home". I know we aren't there long, but it is still one of the best few days of our lives, and the nice hospital rooms mean a lot! It means a lot to me anyway. I am going to miss my awesome nurse too! Stacey nurse at St. Vincents Hospital if you want to pick. :) No nurse will be Stacey! We love her!

Luckily, we found an awesome Certified Nurse Midwife that practices at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola. We love her! Before you freak out, she has went to school to do everything an OB can do that pertains to babies other than C-sections. She is very "to the point" like Dr. Heaton. I like when doctors don't "beat around the bush" and tell you like it is. She trusts a woman's God's given ability to give birth, and doesn't intervene unless she has too. She isn't anti-epidural or anything, just knows that God has given a woman the ability to birth, and they don't "need" medical interventions. I loved my epidural with Owen. We will see how this one goes!

I love her methods. She believes one intervention leads to another, and God made woman to give birth. We don't "need" all the medical interventions a hospital gives. I really believe that. (but I like having the interventions available if needed) We will not be induced before 42 weeks, we don't have to have pitocin, we don't have to have constant monitoring, when we are monitored it is a waterproof/wireless monitor, allowed to walk, allowed to eat and drink, don't have to have an IV unless needed (the IV will be inserted with a Heplock-but no fluids given to swell you up, unless needed), she is with you from 8 cm until the baby is born, she delays cord clamping so that the baby can get all of the blood from the placenta, the entire newborn check up is done on Mom's chest, baby never leaves the room....and so much more! I believe we will have an awesome birth experience with Jenny!

Jenny is so caring. She PERSONALLY did my ultrasound today. I have never even heard of a doctor doing that before. She knew we were worried, because of our miscarriage in January. She did the ultrasound for a good twenty minutes for us.  She said it appears to be the "perfect pregnancy". She makes us feel like we are her only patient. I thank God every day for sending us to her. :)

She has also guessed we are having a girl. I don't know how good her guesses are, but we shall see. :)

Anyways, I've rambled enough....let me show you are sweet little "gummy bear". This ultrasound was done on my abdomen, so it isn't very clear. Had it been done the "other way" the baby would look a lot bigger/clearer. ;)

Our baby is measuring about 9 weeks. Our due date is February 13th.

Here are some more announcement pictures from Owen. He is SO excited. I took him to get a big brother prize today, and he insisted on getting something for the baby. I love his generous heart. :) I tried and tried to get him this Melissa and Doug hammer set he's been wanting, but he picked a soft football to throw with his baby. He talked about taking his baby to the Blue Wahoos game. He keeps saying he wants a baby sister, and wants to name her "Blue".

I know Owen is going to make the best big brother! We are so excited!