Thursday, July 11, 2013

9 weeks!

I didn't keep up with pictures from Owen's pregnancy, because I was horrified about being fat. I am taking pictures this pregnancy, fully covered. ;)

These pictures say 8 weeks, because I didn't have a 9 weeks sticker in the pack. I was a little disappointed with how they showed up.

9 weeks

How far along? 9 weeks

Total weight gain? 0. I had lost 5 lbs, so I am happy with this! I've had a completely different pregnancy experience this time, and have been sick!

Maternity clothes? Nope

Stretch marks? None. Praying this pregnancy as nice to me as Owen's was.

Sleep? I love sleep!!!! I want to do it all the time.

Best moment last week? Getting Zofran. :)

Movement? I swear I've felt you "flutter". Maybe my imagination, but it is right where they found you with the doppler.

Food cravings? Blah...eating is a chore most days. If I do have cravings it is bad rolls, Moe's...Meat definitely is a no go. The thought of it makes me gag! So much for "real food". I'm trying!

Gender? Time will tell. I swear you are a boy, but all my symptoms point to girl this time.
Labor signs? None, praise the Lord.

Belly button in/out? In. It stayed in with Owen the entire pregnancy.

Missing? Having energy and being able to ride in the car without puking.

Looking forward to? Finding out boy or girl...(even though I said we weren't going too)

Milestones? Heard the heartbeat with the doppler. A strong 181!