Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Out of the mouths of Babes...

Memorable Quotes from Owen over the past couple of months.... 

"Mommy, are you smiling because I am so cute?"

Owen: "Mommy can I bring my bucket to play group?"
Me: "Yes, you may. If you choose to bring it, you have to share it with the other kids."
Owen: "But Mommy....this bucket is only for special kids like me."

"Papa, what's wrong with your eyebrows?"

*Matt comes home from work*
"Daddy, you have a good day?"
"I'm so happy to see you."

"Papa, why is your house made of bricks?"
 "Papa, who made the bricks on your house?"
"What are the bricks made of?"
"Nana, you're my best buddy."

"Hey Mommy, I am awesome!"

Every time I get ready...
"Mommy, you are so pretty!" (sweet!)

"I sure do wonder what Jeffrey and Jason are doing right now."
(Jeffrey and Jason were twins on an episode of Cailou)

"Mommy,  my toys are very special to me."

Me: "Owen, God says we should obey are parents. Do you know what that means?"
Owen: "No Mommy, God NOT say that. He made the earth!"

Me: "Owen, God says we should respect our Mommy. Screaming at Mommy is very disrespectful"
Owen: "Okay, I want a new Mommy! Please?"

"Mommy you can't play with me and need to mop the floor!"

"Mommy dance with me"
I dance...
"Now that's hilarious"

Me: "Hey Owen, would you like a wet wipe to wipe your hands and mouth?"
Owen: "No Mommy, this napkin is sufficient"

Owen weighs...
Mommy weighs...

"Hey Mommy. You are the messiest person I know."

Me: "Owen, what would you like for breakfast?"
Owen: "hmmm...How about a waffle, bacon, eggs, and toast?"

After I got lost trying to take Owen to the movies...
"Mommy that sure was a BORING adventure!"

"Hey Mommy!"
"Yes, Owen?"
"I love bacon."

"This is so yummy, it makes me wanna dance!"

In reference to the neighbors upstairs being loud...
"Oh Mommy, they have a GORILLA up there!"

"No, aliens Mommy?" (no idea how he knows what an alien is?)

"No, monsters Mommy?"

"McDonalds is yucky Mommy. It disgusting. Not real food"

"I'll be Captain Hook, you be Capaneese." (Captain Smee)

"I want to go to the grocery store naked."

Me: "Mommy ate like a pig tonight."
Owen: "Oink, Oink Mommy!"

"Hey Mommy, I'm a good boy. I'm a good boy because I brush my teef."

"Mommy, I a good boy?"
"Mommy, I a big boy?"
"Mommy, I make you SO happy?"

Every time we go to Mimi and Poppy's house (where we had his bday party)
"Where's my birthday party?"

Owen is a true rule follower, and if you break a rule he is going to let you know about it.

Owen to a stranger at the beach that threw their trash on the ground:

"You need to pick up you trash, and throw it in the garbage can."

 Owen to the cashier at Belk:

"Hey Man! Do you have to poop? Make sure you poop on the potty like a big boy!"

Thanks for always putting a smile on our face O. We love you to the moon!