Thursday, July 18, 2013

Vacation Bible School

I volunteered at VBS at our new church this year. Becuase I was a volunteer, Owen got to go to a special two year old class. :) I think you can tell from this picture he absolutely LOVED it!

Listening to the Bible Story like a big boy! I was so impressed with how well Owen followed directions. He was the youngest in the class, and doesn't go to daycare or preschool....but knew just what to do. I am so proud of him!

Owen fell in love with teacher, Ashlyn! He still talks about her.

Owen thought cotton candy was "nasty disgusting". (his words)

Pass the balloon...

Puzzle time!

This baby loves arts and crafts!

Concentrating while making a road in his Play-Doh...

Owen LOVED VBS! He loves learning about God.