Monday, May 13, 2013

Unsuccessful Potty Training:101

If you remember from my past blog, Owen was once potty trained for an entire 48 hours. He then changed his mind...I decided to give it another shot. Here are some unsuccessful tips!

Step 1:
Spend an entire nap time making a potty chart, and pay attention to all the intricate details. (23 month olds REALLY care about details and quirky sayings) Make sure to get little pieces of paper smashed into the carpet so that you find them for months. You might even find some in future diapers since this plan is completely UNSUCCESSFUL. :)

Step 2:
Cut out 30 gold dubloons even though your chart only holds 12. Pour your favorite gum into a ziploc bag. Turn the container into a "Poo Poo pennies" holder. Fill with 100 pennies that will never get used. Place them neatly next to the potty. (your two year old won't move them)

Step 3:
Make a "Team Treasure Chest" to go a long with your pirate theme. Fill it with toys from the dollar tree that will clutter your house, and be thrown away in the next spring cleaning session. Make sure to place it on toilet so that your toddler will be royalty ticked off, because he has to go potty four times before going to the treasure chest.

Step 4:
Time for a reality check! Start thinking like your toddler instead of an adult. Realize that a toddler isn't developmentally capable of the "go four times" to earn a treasure concept. Change the game... Toddler gets to go to Team Treasure Chest every time he uses the potty. Contemplate re-doing your "Ahoy Potty" chart, because let's face is all wrong now.

Step 5:
Smile and tell yourself your plan is working as your toddler goes potty twice in a row!

Step 6:
Clean up several messy accidents.

Step 7:
Realize you've been outsmarted by your toddler, that now has a squirt gun and bubbles. (all he wanted from the team treasure chest) Maybe he will try again when he runs out of bubbles.

At least we have the washing our hands part down to a science. Here is Owen singing his ABC's while soaping up!