Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Out of the mouths of Babes...

I love the things Owen says...They are just precious, and sometimes....hilarious! He recently potty trained, so we have lots of potty talk going on at our house.

I decided to document them in my blog. I will love looking back on this one day.

"Mommy I am a tootie boy"

"I'm a good boy...Mommy a good boy too"

"Play backetball with you, Mommy?"

"Owen did you tee tee your pants?"
"Nope, but I peed in the pool today"

"Mommy, I just can't like you right now"

"Daddy, I didn't poop my pants today! I went on the potty. Mommy poops her pants."

"AWWW that baby is cute, just like Owen!"

"I am so happy to see you today" (while shaking my hand)

"Mommy, I need some space."

*singing* "Biscuits and Gravy....the waitress calls me baby"

"I have a diagnosis...I LOOOOOVE Mommy's Milk"

"I want an Obama toy" (seriously? when do we ever talk about Obama in this house?)

"I want to get baptized, I want to get baptized at my house with milk"

"My 'cabulary is Aaaamazing...."

"No mail today, Owen"
"Go buy some!!!" 

I love him to the moon and back! I can't believe he will be TWO on Saturday.