Thursday, April 25, 2013

One last blog before DISNEY!

Our family flies out for Disney tomorrow! I couldn't be any more excited.  I just finished cleaning and packing. All I have left to do last blog. I have all of Owen's little Mickey Mouse shirts folded and packed in the suitcase. He even has a "Mickey Mouse riding an airplane" shirt for the plane ride. I couldn't help but smile as I folded them. I know his face, words, hand motions, etc are going to be PRICELESS! I love that any time Owen sees a castle he SCREAMS....PAPAW TAKE ME TO THAAAAT CASTLE MOMMY! 

I haven't researched a thing on Disney World with a toddler. I've lost my mind. Usually, I am a little more prepared, but I think we will just go with the flow. It should be a nice relaxing trip. I am excited about spending valuable time with my "in love's".  I am so blessed to have a mother and father-in-law that love me like their own. They are the best, and I don't thank them enough for all they do for us! I am most thankful that they raised my husband, to be a Godly man. He is the best, and I know it is because of them. I am also blessed with an awesome sister! We had a nice talk today about what we were going to wear on the trip. I never had a sister, and it is nice to be able to talk with someone about "what to wear". My brothers are awesome, but they didn't care about that stuff. ;)

This post is going to be random, but I really just want to get all of these pictures off of my camera so I can take a million at Disney World. :) Go ahead and prepare yourself for that will be too long and have way too many pictures. :)

Owen and I have a sweet routine every morning. We make the bed together, read a Bible story, and pray. I recently got him a Bible with shorter stories.  The one we have is above his level. I am so surprised at how much and how fast he learns. We've read two stories in his new Bible. He loves to tell you "God made the "earf", animals, trees, Owen....etc."  He can also tell you that Noah made a big boat. I love to listen to him pray. He always hugs me while I pray and then he thanks God for everyone in the family. It is super sweet.  After we finish praying he always says  "Make-A breakfast Mommy".

Here is a picture of Owen "making the bed". He loves to stack the pillows. They look different every day.

Owen has been working hard on his counting skills. He loves to "count" pom poms as he puts them into an old coffee creamer container.

He also loves counting money. Here is a picture of Owen throwing pennies into the fountain. He counted every penny as he threw it in. Owen got to throw ten pennies in the fountain when we got to the mall, and ten pennies in when we left the mall. He carried them around in a ziplock bag all around the mall. When we ran out of pennies he said "Go buy some Mommy". Owen thinks you can buy anything. :)

Today we tried out the library. Owen enjoyed story time, although I must say it doesn't come CLOSE to a story time in Birmingham. He sure misses "The Bean Bag Rock", instruments, bubbles, and parachutes! I think I noticed more than he did.

Owen was a little nervous at first.

Once story time started he got more comfortable. He answered all of the librarians questions, and repeated everything she said. She read 5 books, and Owen listened attentively to every one. I couldn't believe it. I think his attention span is longer than mine. Although that doesn't take much...I had four grandmothers stop to tell me how smart Owen was, and how they couldn't believe his vocabulary. It always makes you feel good to hear that! I guess we are doing something right... ;) Here is a picture of Owen using his manners and listening to the story.

This is really off subject, but I just noticed how big Owen's feet look in this picture.I like to document everything.  He had to go get new shoes this week, because he outgrew his old ones. It took us forever to find a children's shoe store, but we found the perfect one. The lady was so nice. Owen had to get a size SIX in these sandals! He also got his first pair of velcro shoes. He wore a five in those. He can take them off and buckle them "By self". He gets very angry that he can't get his wiggly foot into his shoe "by self". I was so happy his foot was finally big enough to get a pair of "Chooze" shoes. I have been waiting. They are mismatched. It is so precious. I will take a picture of him wearing them soon!

All of the profit from Chooze shoes goes to charity. Check them out!

If you are looking for a Children's Boutique/Shoe Store in Pensacola please check out Pirouettes Dancewear. They are downtown. Tons of smocked clothing as well.(Children's boutiques are hard to find here!)

I saved the best for last...

Have you ever heard of water beads? They are the best things ever....(No, really...they are!) 

Owen says they are even better than COOKIES!

If you have never heard of water beads, or have no clue what they are, they are cheap (like $1.00) water retaining polymers you put in plants. I found them at the plant section in Walmart. They start out as these teeny tiny beads. You let them soak overnight, and they grow. They are so much fun to play with. Owen and I played with them today, and I am not sure who had more fun. I think I might have. :) They feel so neat! I wanted to do a pool of these at his birthday party, but I am scared some of the children might try to put the beads in their mouth. I'd rather not have a choking hazard! We just did some scooping and pouring today, but there are so many more things you can do with water beads. I am excited to let Owen play with water beads and light, and possibly paint with them. 

 Please pray for safe travels as we fly to Disney, and it's off we go!