Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fun with my boo!

Owen and I are having so much fun in Pensacola! We recently joined the Pensacola Chapter of MOMS Club. You may have heard me mention the MOMS club before, because we were also members in Birmingham. There is something for us to do just about every day.

On Monday, we had a Pre-School Co-op at the Gull Point Community Center. Moms take turns "teaching" pre-school to the children. We sang songs, signed our ABC's, read books, and even did a few fun crafts.

Here is a picture of Owen with his Easter basket he made. :) Please note the bandaids on BOTH knees. Owen took a tumble, and got his first set of scraped knees. Mommy's kisses, and a few Cars and Jake and the Neverland Pirates bandaids made it all better!

The best part about having Pre-School time at the Gull Point Community Center is the playground outside. Owen LOVES parks, anything he can climb on, and being 'side (outside)!!!!

Today we had a play date with children in Owen's age group. Owen quickly took to Jake. I hope they become best of friends. They had so much fun playing together!

Owen loved playing with the "hats" at the play date. This little boy loves hats!

Owen the construction worker...

Owen the fireman...

"Here Jake, let me help you with that hat."

Jake pushing Owen and some toys in the wagon...

Owen said "Time for your check-up, Jake."

Giving each other a hug good-bye.

After our play date was over, Owen and I went to the mall. Owen enjoyed a yummy M & M cookie, and got to throw money in the fountain. Throwing pennies in a fountain makes his day! I will end this blog with some sweet pictures of my "cookie face" little man playing at the fountain.