Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rain, Rain...Go Away...

Our first few days in Pensacola were sunny and bright! Owen and I have enjoyed walking daily, having picnic lunches by the pool, grilling with Daddy in the evenings, and even "splashing" in the water at the pool. Owen kept saying he wanted to "Jumpin' in it, Jumpin' in da watah!". He decided it was a little too cold once he got thigh deep. :)

Then...the rain man came, and stayed for two days! :(

Rainy days are no fun to a toddler that loves outside. I had to come up with some fun things for O man to do. We stayed in our pajamas for the most part, and played our hearts out. :)

On Tuesday, he had a bubble bath filled with ball pit balls. Now if this isn't fun, I don't know what is!?!


I made a "puzzle" for Owen out of kitchen materials. I traced different items onto a piece of paper, and he matched the item to its shape. I was worried this would be above his level, but he got every one right the first try. He always amazes me!

Then, Owen requested to paint before nap. We painted with kitchen utensils! It was so much fun. Here, is little Picasso at work...

When you are stuck in the house, you might as well clean it. Mommy did some cleaning, and Owen even helped with the dusting after nap.

Today, Owen had to go to the doctor, because he had a sad little rash that Mommy suspected was chicken pox. Unfortunately, I was correct. The good news- he has a mild case that should only last a few days. Hopefully, no more than 3-5 days of staying inside. Who am I kidding? That's an eternity for a 22 month old.  We may go for walks in the stroller where he is contained, and away from other people. We saw a really nice doctor that I am considering using for Owen. She agrees with us on most things!

Poor little man! Yes, I took a picture of his chicken pox. First time Mama! Must document EVERYTHING!

He is still my happy little ham despite being itchy. :)

We played a lot more inside games today!

We pretended to be in a marching band, and marched up and down the hallway, playing different instruments. (sorry neighbors)

We even played basketball in the house. Pretty cool, huh?

Slam dunk!