Friday, April 5, 2013

Another day of Quarantine!

Owen woke up this morning and his chicken pox are starting to disappear. He still has the bumps, but no more blisters on the tops. Yea!

He shouldn't be contagious anymore, but I kept him in for one more day. We plan on grilling out tonight, so I know he will be excited to get out and play. :)

This morning Owen and I made Whole-Wheat Cinnamon Waffles. They were delicious!

Here is the recipe if you would like to try it.

I think ours had a little extra cinnamon. This little baker must love cinnamon! He also threw in a little extra baking soda. It didn't seem to hurt anything though. ;)

Owen is very good at mixing waffle batter. ;)


After breakfast, Owen and I painted the bathtub with watercolors. If you have a squirmy toddler I suggest you try this! Owen was confined and entertained for over an hour.

The watercolors cleaned up very easily. I think Owen had just as much fun cleaning as he did painting. :)

We played with Owen's new Montessori sorting toy from the Easter Bunny. Mommy Owen loves this toy!

If you'd like to try one of these toys check out this Etsy store. She also has a few other similar toys!

You can also search for "Montessori toys" on etsy to find sorting toys. It is amazing how little minds just KNOW what to do. I didn't have to show Owen how to sort these once. He just knew how, and said his colors as he did it. I wish I had known more about Montessori when Owen was first born. If you've pinned all the fun little sensory pins on pinterest, you will probably love Montessori as well!

We tried a new sorting game today. We sorted Hard and Soft objects. This challenged Owen's little mind. It took me a while to find something he didn't already know how to do. (smart little turkey) I was glad to finally give him a challenge. We are going to keep working on this activity. I am curious to see how long it takes him to grasp the concept.

 I saved the best for last...

I know this might look like a laundry basket to you, but it is actually a car!

 We even took it to the "Baby Einstein Drive In".

My sweet little munchkin is waking up from his nap, so that is all for now!

We have a fun weekend planned, so stay tuned!