Friday, April 12, 2013

22 Months...TWO in TWO months!

22 Months...yes, you read that right! My precious baby boy turned 22 months on the 1st of April, and I love him 22 times more than I did last month. :)

I can not believe my baby boy will be TWO in two months! Time flies by way too fast.

These posts are always the hardest for me. It is so hard to remember EVERYTHING Owen has learned in the past couple months. Children at this age have such absorbent minds. He learns something new here goes nothing....:)

I will start easy! Here are Owen's "stats" this month.

Weight: 22lbs 

Length: 33 inches

Clothing Size: 18 months in most things, still 12 months in some shorts 

Teeth: Still 12 (4 on top, 4 on bottom, and 4 molars) He is working REALLY hard on his eye teeth. He seems to be very uncomfortable. He calls his teething tablets "gum". He keeps asking me for "more gums" and "med'cine".

Favorite Foods: Mommy's Chapstick, Popcorn, any kind of Fish, Steak, Porkchops, Bacon, Toast

Schedule: I've never put Owen on a schedule. I eat when I am hungry, and sleep when I am tired. He deserves to do that as well. I don't think it is fair to force a child to "wait" to eat, or to sleep when they aren't tired. He  stays on the same routine that he put himself on for the most part! We wake up, read our bible story, pray, make the bed, and eat breakfast- that pretty much never changes. We eat lunch between 11:30 and 12 most days. He usually takes a nap after lunch, and is usually asleep for the night around 8:00.

Nursing: Owen is cutting down on a lot of his nursing. He still nurses before bed, nap, and if he is in an unfamiliar situation or is uncomfortable. He usually nurses 4-5 times a day, I guess? I still plan to let him wean himself. I hear a lot of boys nurse until 3. I am comfortable with that. :)

Firsts: We got our first skint knees this month, and had the chicken pox. (very mild case)

Potty Learning: (he isn't a dog- we don't "train") Went with no accidents for 48 hours, but now only goes about 2 times a day on the potty. He will when he is ready.

Blowing his first dandelion

We moved this past month. I thought it would be hard on Owen, but he adjusted just fine. We have met a few new friends. He calls all of his friends "fun friends". Although, he misses Anna Scott with all of his heart. He talks about her, and sings about her ALL THE TIME! It is the sweetest thing ever. I ask him what he wants for breakfast and he will say "Bacon and Toast" "Anna Scott bacon and toast too!"

One thing Owen says every morning that I absolutely LOVE is...."It is a pretty day, Mommy". (even if it isn't)

I also love when Owen is looking for something and he finds it. He says screams "There it is"...with such excitement.

Another favorite....Whenever I tell Owen it is time to leave the park, get out of the bathtub, or something he really loves...He says "Five more minutes, Mommy?"

Owen LOVES to sing! He sings every song on all of his shows. He can even spell "Mickey Mouse" in the Mickey Mouse clubhouse song. His favorite songs are ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Rock Me "Mommy" like a "Wagon".... Sometimes I try to sing with him, but he doesn't let me. He says "No, Mommy....SELF!"

Speaking of  "SELF" we can do everything "SELF" these days. (even if he really can't...)

Owen likes to be included in everything. One of his favorite phrases is "Me toooooooo Mommmmmy". I went to the store while he was napping the other day, and he woke up. Matt told him I was at Publix, and would be home soon. Owen said " I wanted to go to the store toooooooo".  

We really have to watch what we say these days. I made the mistake of saying "well that girl parked stupid" the other day. I mumbled it under my breath. I didn't think Owen heard me. He quickly says "Yep Mommy, that girl 'tupid, and Daddy 'tupid tooooooo"." I tried not to laugh, but I could not help it. He obviously thinks stupid is a very good thing. Luckily, Mommy nor Owen has said "stupid" again since that day.

Owen LOVES to climb. There is a chain ladder thing (I don't know what it is called) on our playground, and Owen wanted to climb it. Matt and I made the mistake of telling Owen he was "too little", and he climbed it in a matter of two seconds. He then put his hands on his hips like "told ya so".

Owen loves to play with stuffed animals. He takes care of them. It is really sweet. He feeds them (real food and juice...oh yes), changes their diapers, gives them baths, reads to them...super cute. The other day I found his elephant sitting in the rocking chair, with a book open in front of it. Owen is a great daddy to his stuffed animals.

Another favorite at the moment is any kind of sorting toy. Owen loves to sort. He also loves putting together puzzles, and if he doesn't get it right the first time he gets very frustrated. 

Owen loves to build towers with his blocks and watch them crash. He loves playing basketball and T-Ball.

Owen loves role play. He likes to wear costumes and hats. He loves to pretend to be a pirate. He will say "I a pirate Mommy, Yo Ho Ho Ho, Ahoy Matees, ARRRRRG!" Precious! He also loves to "help me clean". We sweep and vacuum a lot in this house! He loves to help me cook, put the dishes away, unload the dishwasher, dry the dishes, fold clothes, match socks, and many other household chores that he will hate when he is a teenager. He is quite the helper!

According to Owen, everything he picks up is "Berry Heaby" (very heavy).

When Owen is tired he says "Time to take a little rest, Mommy", and he loves to "nuggle" (snuggle). When he wakes up he says "That was a good nap, Mommy".

Owen doesn't like dark. He says it is "pooky" (spooky)

Owen's favorite movie is the Lion King. His favorite shows are Cailou (he calls him Tie You...sweetest thing ever), Barney, Mickey Mouse, Doc McStuffins, and Super Why.

We are going to Disney in a few weeks, and he is really excited. He always says "Papaw gonna take me to tha castle"

I will end with some sweet/funny conversations we've had lately.

"What would you like for lunch for Owen?"
"Steak and Crayons"
"Yep! Hey Mommy!!! I have a tail"

"Dog you peed on my wagon...Mommy gonna 'pank you"
(I asked him what spank was...he has no clue)

"You my best friend"

"Bye Bye, Going to En'pwise, see ya later!"

"Daddy honkin' at the people....RUDE!"

"Mommy, you wash you face co co nut oil?"

"Mommy pretty"
"Daddy sweetie"
"Owen precious angel"

*hands me Mr. Potato Head*
"Open hiney, Mommy"
*open and goldfish fall out*
"I hide my fish, Mommy"

Owen is a mess! He loves life, and has the greatest personality. I thank God for choosing me to be his Mommy every day! I love you, Owen!