Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wee Flip Gym

Would you believe it has gotten cold enough for Owen to wear his snowsuit since the last time I posted?

Owen's snowsuit is very special, because it is Daddy's old snowsuit. Owen calls it his "no-soup".

I recently found a little treasure in Vestavia called Wee Flip Gym. They have free play, and you can play on all of their equipment. Owen LOVED it!

Owen's favorite thing was this big roller coaster. I just knew he would be terrified of it. I held on to the car the first time we went down. He said  "NO MOMMY, MYSELF!". I let him go down by himself and he belly laughed the whole way down. I think he went down the roller coaster at least 10 times while we were there.

Here are some more pictures from our play date at Wee Flip Gym.

I'm not sure where the time went, but I wish it would slow down. I think my precious little baby is officially a toddler! :)