Saturday, January 19, 2013

Snow much Fun!

Owen experienced his very first snow on January 17th. The snow was coming down during his nap, and I couldn't wait for him to wake up to see it! It was an Alabama blizzard. ;) Birmingham got around 2 inches of snow.

Here are some pictures from the fun....

We put on Daddy's old snowsuit, and Owen got to wear his rain boots for the first time.  

He is saying "It noing Mommy!"

 Owen decided he wanted to sit in the snow, and all was well until....

....he realized there was snow on his rain boot! I love this look- "We have a crisis, Mommy"!

Saying "Shoe, Mommy, Shoe!"

....and then he got really mad, spit, and wanted to go inside. :) I love this picture, b/c this is a classic frustrated look from Owen.

We did build a small snowman. I didn't get a picture because I needed to take care of the rain boot crisis.

I think I've mentioned this before but instead, of saying Awww Man....Owen says Awww Mail!. He is a little confused. Every time he looks outside he says "AWW MAIL Fwosty melt!" It is so cute.

Hopefully we will get another snow this winter, so that Frosty can come back to visit. :)