Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wean Me Gently

If you are a nursing mama or have nursed, you might want to grab the tissues!

These pictures were taken by Meredith Rowlen Photography. She is amazing! If you are looking for a photographer check out her site.

I love this poem! What a great follow up to my "Breastfeeding Journey" blog....

Wean Me Gently
 By: Cathy Cardell 

  "I know I look so big to you,

Maybe I seem too big for the needs I have. 

But no matter how big we get,

We still have needs that are important to us.

I know that our relationship is growing and changing,

But I still need you.

I need your warmth and closeness,

Especially at the end of the day

When we snuggle up in bed.

Please don't get too busy for us to nurse.
I know you think I can be patient,

Or find something to take the place of a nursing -

A book, a glass of something,

But nothing can take your place when I need you.
Sometimes just cuddling with you,

Having you near me is enough.

I guess I am growing and becoming independent,

But please be there.

This bond we have is so strong and so important to me,

Please don't break it abruptly.
Wean me gently,

Because I am your mother,

And my heart is tender.
This Poem makes me cry EVERY time!

Some fun breastfeeding facts....

Michael Jordan nursed until he was 3. His mom credits his athletic abilities to nursing.
The Brazilian soccer star, Pele, nursed until he was 5. 
A substance found in breastmilk kills 40 types of cancer cells.
Albert Einstein didn't quit nursing until he was between the age of 3 and 4. 

 Breastfeeding reduces your risk for breast cancer.

Babies who breastfeed past a year are 40% less likely to need braces.

Breast milk lowers the risk for childhood obesity.

Breastmilk composition changes during the day and at each feeding to meet the nutritional needs of baby.

In the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides:
  • 29% of energy requirements
  • 43% of protein requirements
  • 36% of calcium requirements
  • 75% of vitamin A requirements
  • 76% of folate requirements
  • 94% of vitamin B12 requirements
  • 60% of vitamin C requirements
A US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues to nurse until age two.
Breastmilk can cure a diaper rash.
Breastfeeding reduces the risk for SIDS, Ear infections, Gastrointestinal Infections, and Respiratory Infections.
Breastfeeding mothers spend around $1400 LESS a year on doctor's visits.
