Friday, January 11, 2013

18 month check-up....

Owen had his 18 month check at the end of December. He was almost 19 months. We have gotten behind on our checkups. Luckily, we don't have to go back until Owen is 2. I know he was happy to hear that. ;)

Owen does not get sick often. I am so thankful that I have been able to continue to breastfeed him. I know some women do not have this luxury. I am blessed! He is proof that breastfeeding makes well babies. He hasn't been sick since June. He has had one ear infection. He has only been on antibiotics once. He has had the fever virus, and one other virus. That is it! I exclusively breast fed Owen until he was 6 months old. (no solids). He never had a runny nose until we started solids. I really wish our culture would jump on board with the World Health Organization, and realize that babies should nurse until they are at least two years old. my breastfeeding soap box. :) 

Pictures at this check-up were a little hard to get. Owen knew exactly what was going down, and he wasn't having anything to do with Mayfair's nurses. :)

I think this face sums up Owen's feelings. I would never bribed him with a sucker, and he quit crying.

I don't have a scale picture this time. :(

Owen weighed 21lbs 15 oz. (my scale at home must be wrong) He is in the 5th-10th percentile for weight. He is staying on his own growth curve, and is healthy as a horse. I don't think Dr. A likes putting babies in a percentile. He always mumbles Owen's percentile when I ask, and follows it up with he is fine. He is just a "feather weight".

Owen was 32 inches long and in the 50th percentile for height.

Owen did talk to Dr. Amason. He has always loved him. He told him about the "American Flag", and told him to have a Merry Christmas. He also told him about circles and squares.  Dr. Amason always reminds us of how advanced Owen's vocabulary is. He says "you know he is really advanced in his vocabulary right?". It makes us smile. :)

Here are a few pictures I managed to get....

A blast from the past...

 One week Check up 8lbs 3 oz-75th percentile

 One Month 10 lbs 10 oz-75th percentile

 4 Months 15lbs 5 oz-30th percentile

 6 months 16lbs 6 oz-10th percentile

 10 months 17lbs 14 oz- Less than 5th percentile

13 months 18lbs 15 oz-back up to 5th percentile
16 months 21 lbs 3 oz- 5-10th