Monday, January 28, 2013


This blog is a cuteness OVERLOAD! I have some adorable pictures of our fun weekend with Matt, and some of my FAVORITE pictures I have ever taken of Owen and Anna Scott. We've had some potty and grocery store adventures today. :)

We had SUCH a fun weekend with Daddy. He was off Friday, so we went to Wee Flip Gym to show Daddy what it was all about.

I LOVE his tongue hanging out in this one! This is Owen's concentrating look!

On Saturday we went to the McWane Center and Railroad Park. Owen LOVED the fish and dinosaurs at the McWane center. He still hasn't quit talking about them. We also loved railroad park. It is a beautiful area downtown.

 Don't drop me in the shark petting tank Daddy!

Pointing out Homewood on the map....

Owen was so happy he got to see Clifford again!

Watching the Choo Choo at Railroad Park...

Owen and Anna Scott are both so intelligent. Mary Catherine and I thought it might be time to introduce them to the potty. They both tell us when they have to go potty or are going potty. I really think they encourage each other. We have been out and about a lot today, but they both tee tee'd in the potty one time this morning. I told them how proud I was and gave them a Hershey Kiss. They both keep saying "Proud of you! Chocolate?" :)

These are the CUTEST pictures ever!!!

I took Owen and Anna Scott on our Monday grocery trip today. I always joke that I get a few grey hairs every time I go. ;)  They really do enjoy the grocery store. They aren't bad at all...just your typical 1 1/2 year old. They are busy, and they want everything I put in the cart. I feel bad for the people that get our cart after us. Today the cart had cookie crumbs, a couple of squished fruit snacks, 2 smashed bananas, and lord knows what else in it. :) We always leave with all of the groceries opened. Owen was very angry that I wouldn't give him dirty strawberries and raw oatmeal today. I can be such a mean mommy! ;) Anna Scott got mad at Owen b/c he stole her fruit snack, and they ended up having a mini food fight. Seriously, they were throwing bananas at faces and screaming at each other. I had to clean it out of their hair. :) We provided lots of laughter. Last week, I took Owen to the grocery store. We saw a lady fall. Owen DIED laughing. I was so embarrassed. I don't know why, but he thinks when people fall- it is hilarious.  Here are some pictures of Owen and Anna Scott at the grocery store. :) This is pre-food fight. They were holding hands and singing their ABC's.

Mommy is exhausted, but the kiddos were not today! We laid in the bed and watched Barney after lunch. Anna Scott fell fast asleep, but this little rascal.... still AWAKE!

I don't know how he does it. He has started giving me "excuses" at nap time. Here are some quotes from today's naptime.

"I need french fries."

"I dirty, I need bath."

"I play?"

"I need poo poo in potty." 

"Tickle my hand, tickle other hand, tickle my arm, tickle other arm, smell my stinky foot!"

"I eat"

"Meeeeska, MOOSKA, MICKEY MOUSE!!!!"

"I watch Barney"

"I watch Gullah, Gullah, Island."

"I missin' Daddy"

"I need brush teeth"

"I need brush hair."

"I slide."

"My friends are fun"

"I pop bubbles."

"Frosty Melt"

"I need call my MiMi."

"I need coffee"



"More covers!"

 "You messy Mama"

"I awesome"

"Dinosaurs BITE!"

"I need hat."

"Roll Tide!"

He is such a mess!