Thursday, January 16, 2014

36 weeks!

So I have to show you something....Look at these teeny tiny cloth diapers? Are they not the cutest things you have ever seen?!?!?!!

How far along? 36 weeks!!! Can you believe my baby could be here in like the next 3-6 weeks??? 

Here is a comparison of Owen and Abe at 36 weeks...I think Abe is higher!

I had an appointment this week. Abe is doing GREAT! He is head down (Yay!) and Mommy is 1cm dilated. In the grand scheme of things this means...well...nothing. Abe will come when he is ready and when he wants too. It makes me happy that I am favorable for a more "pleasant" labor (is there such a thing?)

I won't be checked again until I get admitted to the hospital when I am in labor. Jenny said that checks do nothing but get Mommies hopes up and get them down. They really don't tell you anything and aren't medically necessary, so she doesn't do them.

Baby Size:  Babycenter says 6lbs is the average. Abe was over 5 lbs 2 weeks ago at our ultrasound, so if I had to guess...I'd say he might be a tad bigger.

Total weight gain/loss: 32 lbs total. At least I am doing better than I did with Owen...haha

Maternity clothes?  All maternity clothes now! 

Stretch marks? Still none....I am hoping it stays that way. I got lucky with Owen. Maybe Abe will be nice too. 

Sleep: Well, I am tired ALL the time, but sleep is hard when you are uncomfortable.

Best Moment this week? It wasn't *this* week, but two weeks ago when we had Abe's 4D. I can't wait to kiss those cheeks!

Miss Anything? Being comfortable!

Movement: A little more lately

Food cravings: Ice, Ice, and more ice,  Bluebell homemade vanilla ice cream, and pepperoni on top of slices of cheese.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Seem pretty good right now!

Labor Signs:  Contractions here and there preparing for Abe!

Have you started to show yet: Yes!

Belly Button in or out?  Flat

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Symptoms:  Mostly being sore! I have sore ribs and back. I thought Abe was sitting on my sciatic nerve, but I went to the chiropractor yesterday and my sacrum was out of place. Chiropractic care is so awesome when you are pregnant! I am feeling lots better this morning. I have had some pretty bad spells where I feel like I am going to faint. Good news is this happened with Owen too (but I actually fainted), so I know it is coming. I lay down and prop my feet before I actually faint. Still a little scary though!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Mmm a little of both!

Looking forward to: Nursing a newborn, snuggling a newborn, using teeny tiny diapers....and all that fun stuff!

I finally updated my "collages". It is amazing how God makes a woman's body to grow and support a baby!