Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week before Thanksgiving Fun!

Here's what we have been up to this week!

Painting with apples, acorns, and leaves while Mommy takes a shower....

Playing with friends from the apartment complex at the "Nagination Station"...

We made a "Thankful Turkey". Oh, the sweet things a two year old is thankful for! Ornaments, Eyes, Turkeys, Scissors, and Baby Abe.... Mommy and Daddy didn't make the cut!

I really wanted to make a hand/foot turkey with Owen again this year, but he is anti hand and footprint right now. He just likes being a little artist, and coming up with his own creations. :) I respect that...

Some days you just gotta dance in your pumpkin shirt before nap time!

On Tuesday, we went to Little Tots playgroup with MOMS club. I can't tell you how much I love this playgroup, and these sweet Mamas.

We made waffle turkeys for snack. The kids had so much fun playing we didn't get around to our pasta turkey craft. Ms. Charity made an example...Here are what the turkeys are supposed to look like....

Let the madness begin! I LOVE these pictures. It shows just what us Stay at Home Mamas do every day. :) 

Owen's turkey with a slightly "crazy eye"....

Time to EAT the turkeys...

We made a yogurt parfait snack after nap. Owen loves to add fruit and almonds to his yogurt.

Owen and I usually plan an outing a day, but I decided to take a "day off" this week. Wednesday we had a day off to do laundry and pack for a week and a half. It's a lot more stuff than I imagined! I tried to keep Owen entertained while I did my duties, but he did his fair share of entertaining me as well. I folded a load of laundry, and came back to find him in his swimmies and pajamas. I asked what he was doing, and he said "Swimming in the kitchen! What are you doing, Mommy?" (like come on Mom, who doesn't do this?)

We ended up making one trip to the Natural Food Store our pajamas. I am so glad nobody saw us. ;) We needed almond flour to make Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes for lunch on our Pajama Day!

He ate 4 entire pancakes!

Today I had a check up. Everything looks great. I have lost 1/2 a lb since I cut out grain from my diet, which put me right on track for where I am supposed to be! :) I drank 10 oz of grape juice, and had my glucose test drawn. I am praying I don't get a call back. :) Jenny said that Abe's heart was really strong at 145 beats per minute. My blood pressure was 98/60, and everything is just perfect!

Afterwards, Owen and I made our appointment mall trip. We got a cookie, rode the rides, and ate at Moe's. He even got a peak at Santa today! Owen LOVES the mall.

Then we came home, and had a nap battle. :) Owen proved Mommy's processed food theory right yet again. My sweet O has been going to sleep on his own in his crib within 5 minutes ever since we changed his diet. Give him one cookie, and takes him 2 hours to go to sleep. He was sweet and sang and played, but definitely wasn't himself. It is always nice to get that little reassurance that you are doing the right thing for your child as a parent...even when it is hard!

We are so excited about seeing our families for Thanksgiving. :) Owen is eating with Santa on for right now that is all he talks about. He is obsessed with Christmas.

I have the car loaded down! In a couple of here we come! Get rested up, so you can be patient and ready for some 2 year old energy in the house. ;)