Friday, October 18, 2013

Fun with our precious boy!

Since I last posted...

We've been to lots of parks.

Here is Owen at the Bayview Park with one of our play groups. We love "Panhandle Playdates". Yes, our shirt is too small, but he NEEDED to wear his submarine shirt because it was REALLY cool.  I came home and put most of his 18 month clothing away. Owen is getting so tall! We are so thankful for pants with an adjustable waist. He is 24months-2T in length but somewhere around 9-12 months in his waist. If it weren't for those pants, we'd be naked over here. ;)

Owen has been trying really hard to take good care of his teeth. He is very good at brushing his teeth ALL BY HIMSELF. He always does this AFTER Mommy takes a turn. ;)

One day a few weeks ago, Owen woke up asking to do a "science experiment". I think Owen went from being an infant to a teenager. The things he says crack me up.  I love the things he comes up with to say! I can't remember the last time we went somewhere and someone DIDN'T stop us just to listen to him talk and comment on his vocabulary. He has the sweetest voice!  I also love that he is eager to learn. When he asked to do a science experiment, I quickly dyed some vinegar yellow, and let him drop it into baking soda with a medicine dropper. Quick and easy science experiment!

We've fed the fish at our apartment. That was a lot of fun!

You can't see it very well, but here is a video of Owen feeding the fish! You can hear him talking, with his sweet southern accent.

We had our sweet baby mullet cut off.

The girls at the clubhouse had chocolate doughnuts waiting on us when we got back. Owen didn't eat it all, but I think he liked that it was MESSY! :)

A couple of weekends ago, we met the Arners at Flounders. They are our good friends from Birmingham. We have so much in common when it comes to parenting, and our boys have a lot in common as well. Both happy, cheerful, passive little fellows!

Owen was very excited to give Everett his birthday present. We were so sad that we missed his party. I think Owen was excited to sit in Mr. Petes lap and open Everett's present, while Everett was busy coloring. 

 These two enjoyed sharing their dinners and had lots of laughs! Everett tells a joke about "moon cheese" (the moon is made of cheese). It is SO cute! Owen thinks Everett's jokes are hilarious!

The best part about Flouders....after you eat your dinner you get to PLAY ON A PLAYGROUND! Yay!

We've had some fun days at church, and some not so fun days.... Mommy is hoping she fixed that problem. 

We recently took a beach trip with Daddy. While Daddy worked, Owen and I played on the beach. It was so much fun, and I LOVE these pictures!!!

So cute!

Something about the beach makes Owen want to do Yoga. Look at that form! I missed the "leg raise".

Owen loves for me to dig him a big hole to play in. I wish I looked as cute digging it up, as he did playing in it!

Owen's life long goal is to catch a seagull!

They may not look like it to you, but these are fresh strawberries picked by Owen! Some of them had "worms" so we had to throw them back!


Lunch after the beach..."he wasn't tired"...

Later that day we played goofy golf at Coconut Creek. Owen loved it! He played all 18 holes. His first goofy golf experience is something I want to remember forever!!!

Just in case you need to know how to play are a few lessons before the pictures!

Golfing 101....if it looks a little too hard, just go place it in the hole.

Golfing 102

Monkey See, Monkey Do...

One last stop on our way home.... The Donut Hole (Thomas's Donuts was closed)

We had so much fun on our little trip! The following day we got up bright and early to do the Second Annual Radford Breast Cancer 5K. We walked the race with our Panhandle Playdates group. We had so much fun. It started pouring rain about half a mile into the race, but we didn't let that stop us from crossing the finish line! 

Gangan showed breast cancer who was boss!! (and Owen was being super silly...I couldn't get a serious picture for the life of me!)

 CHEESE! A little nervous about the crowd and all of the people stretching...

Shy picture before the race...

DRENCHED after the race. Owen stayed dry thanks to the stroller and his blankie!

Nickolis was cold and ready to go! This is his Mommy, Erica. She and I are both 23 weeks pregnant and use the same midwife. Our motivation was pizza (which we never ate) and being able to tell our midwife we walked three miles in the rain when she pesters us about doing our cardio.

We gave the kids suckers after the race. They were such good sports!!!

Until next time!