Saturday, October 13, 2012

International Babywearing Week 2012 "Carrying on Traditions"

Why babywear? (thanks Babywearing International for the great resources)

Babywearing = Happy Baby :) Babies that are held cry less.

Babies that are worn are healthier. Did you know that babywearing can help a premature baby? It's true. Babies that are worn are in tune with the rhythm of Mommy's breathing, the sound of her heartbeat, and the movements Mommy makes. This stimulation helps stimulate the baby's physical responses.

Babywearing builds your confidence as a parent. If you are wearing or holding your baby for the majority of the day, you will be able to read your baby like a book. You will pick up on your babies cues so easily, and be able to meet his or her needs. Not only are you building your confidence, but you will be building a special trust between you and your sweet little baby.

It is a great way to get to know and love your baby. :) Owen gets so many kisses on his sweet little head while I babywear. :)

Babywearing is a lot more comfortable then carrying your baby. 

It so much more convenient then lugging around a stroller. You can get in tight places and take your baby anywhere. You are hands free! I can't tell you how many times I've vacuumed the house with Owen on my back.

I think Owen learns a lot from being worn. I talk to him about everything we are doing. He gets to experience all of things Mommy does throughout the day.

I am so blessed to be a member of Babywearing International of Birmingham. It is the only BWI chapter in Alabama. :)

We had so much fun celebrating International Babywearing Week this week!

On Monday we went to a Mommy and Me fitness class....

On Thursday I wore Owen at Homewood's Safety Night....

On Friday we went to a Fiddlesticks Music Class...

Today we had a picnic at Overton Park. I had the honor of putting the picnic together for my sweet friends. It was so much fun! I bet you will recognize some of the decorations. ;) (Susie I stole some of your pictures)

Hanging the banner


I attempted to make "baby in slings" cupcakes
The eating area

Fun was had by all....

Can't wait to check out this mesh sling this summer! So cool and can be worn in the pool!

Group photo!

Looking back on Owen's life of babywearing....

(Ignore the "narrow seated" carrier...I was a rookie a didn't know any better. Better to be in a narrow seated carrier then not worn at all!)

Little those cheeks. The sling always put him to sleep :)

Love this baby boy more than he will ever know!

Mama is all teary eyed from looking at how much my baby has grown over the past year. 

Here's to another year of babywearing! :)