Thursday, May 22, 2014

Letter to Owen....

Dear Owen,

My first son, my with you as my son gets better every day!

As your birthdays approach, I love writing you letters reflecting on the past year.

I can't believe you will be THREE in few weeks. Time has flown by so fast, that it doesn't seem fair. It seems like yesterday I was awaiting your arrival, rocking in your rocking chair in the nursery, dreaming of holding you and nursing you in that chair. Then on June 1, 2011, you my precious angel, were born. I relive that moment in my head often. I will never forget the first time I laid eyes on you! I blinked and you were a year old. I blinked again and you were two. Now here you are a three year old. I think that classifies you as a PRESCHOOLER! But you are still a matter what anyone says. ;) 

You have grown so much over the past year. You have grown physically, but also emotionally....

You have the best personality ever. I am not saying this because I am bias,  but everyone is drawn to you. You become a favorite everywhere you go. Whether it be the gym nursery, Sunday school, etc. People beg me to bring you back, because they just love you. You have a special sparkle and shine that people love.

You have so many wonderful character traits. Maybe that is what draws people to you?

You are so friendly, you don't meet a stranger, and will talk to anyone.

You are witty! Gosh, I just love your witty personality. Everything you say is absolutely hilarious. I recently bought a book called "My Quotable Kid". I can write the funny things you say in it, to look back on. I am sure there will be several "volumes" of this book, because well you are just a funny kid. :)

You are so happy, and have such a zeal for life. Thank you for making every day magical. Life through your eyes is better.

You are caring, kind, and compassionate. You always think about others feelings. 

You are slightly OCD. You have to have everything in its place. You love structure and organization. You also love to have and follow directions. You are a very good listener!

You are tender-hearted and sensitive. Your heart breaks easily.

You are forgiving, and always show God's grace. Whether it be the child that pushed you and took away your toy, or Mommy on a bad day. Mommy has been a little overwhelmed over the past few months. We moved to another state right after your baby brother was born. Patience seems to be hard for me while I try to balance my new role as a mom of two. I promise I am trying. I feel like I am getting better at it every day and I hope at you feel that way too. I always try to tell you that Mommy sins and makes mistakes. On days I am not patient, I tell you I am sorry for being impatient. You always hug me, and say "its okay Mommy, I know you will do better next time." It melts my heart!

I've made some "Mommy Goals" for myself over the next year...

1.  I am going to try harder to see things through your point of view. Things must be hard at three. I can't expect you to look at the world through an adult's eyes. At three years old, it IS frustrating that you can't eat the Goldfish that fell on the floor, or that your shoes don't feel right when you put them on the wrong feet.

2. I am going to try to let you express your feelings, even if it is hard. You are a very good boy. You rarely throw tantrums, but when you do my initial reaction isn't the best. I seem to want to tell you to "stop" throwing a fit. I really hope over this next year rather than making you stop, or putting you in time out, I am able to see the underlying cause. I hope I am able to teach you good ways to let out anger and frustrations. This will be one of the hardest things, because I am learning this too. What is the right way to do it? I hope we can figure it out together.

3. I am going to focus more on positive discipline and being a peaceful parent.

4. When you are having a bad day, I am going to try to see your need to re-connect. Bad days usually mean your needs aren't being met appropriately. You have a need and I want to meet it!

5. I am going to try to make sure you get your very own Mommy and Me time more often. 

I have all these great goals, but I know I will fall on my face and make a mistake (or a lot of mistakes). I know there is no such thing as the perfect mother, but I will strive to be the best as I can be! I can't think of anyone that deserves it more than you and your brother. Please continue to show me God's grace when I do make mistakes, and remind me that you are little. Remind me to let you be little, and cherish these times. Even the times when you are whaling on the floor....remind me I will miss these times.

You are so intelligent. You've learned so much over the past year! I could write pages and pages on the things you know, so I will just tell you the things that impress me the most. :)

You have learned how to hold your pencil the correct way.  You are great at drawing lines. (straight, diagonal, and curvy) You love to draw circles and ovals. You try to write your name. You write an O and half of the "w" before you get side tracked.

You recognize most letter sounds and numbers.

I recently filled out your three year old check up survey. It asked if you were talking in complete sentences. You are talking in paragraphs. Your extensive vocabulary amazes me daily.

I want you to know that I pray for you every day. As soon as I get a quiet moment, I pray for you and your brother.

I pray that I always allow you to be the person God created you to be and I don't try to change that. God made you a sensitive, kind, spirit. I pray that I nurture that spirit rather than change it.

I pray that I raise you to follow God.

I pray that your Daddy and I set a good example for you. God first, then your husband/wife, then your children, then the rest of the world...never forget that.

Your Daddy is courageous and such a wonderful leader of our household. He leads our house gently and patiently. I pray that you will learn to do the same for your family one day.

I pray for your wife that I haven't met. I pray that she builds you up, nurtures your children, and loves the Lord.

Owen, you are a gift to your Daddy and I. You are a gift we don't deserve. Words cannot express how much I love you, my precious boy. We love you more than you will ever know, and God loves you even more than that! 

My heart tells me that God has big plans for you! I can't wait to see the young man you become. I am so proud of you!

Abraham is blessed to have such a kind, compassionate, loving big brother. Thank you for setting good examples for Abe and loving your brother.

I can't wait to watch you grow over the next year. All I ask is that you grow a little bit slower, so I can savor this time with you. These are the best days of my life!

Please never forget how special you are. 

