Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Abraham: 3 months

Say it ain't so???

Stats: No official stats this month...But I know you are chunky!

Clothing Size: 6 months

Diaper Size: Size 3....you are big ole butterball!

Firsts: First move! First Easter!

Milestones: So much stronger with holding your head up, and much more vocal. You've giggled a tiny giggle. I am ready to hear you laugh!

Food: You are exclusively breastfed and we feed you when you are hungry.

Likes:  Eating and sucking your fist. Looking at your hands! Your play mat. Watching your brother play. Bath time. Being worn. The bouncy seat! Your Mobile!

Dislikes:  Any kind of loud noise whatsoever!

Best Moment: Your sweet smiles and coos

Worst Moment: None really! . 

Sleep: Sleeping with Mommy and Daddy, waking around 2 to eat every night. Owen did that time for a while too. You throw us for a loop every now and then, and eat more. You still sleep a lot during the day, but not quite as much.

Favorites: Your smiles in the mornings. They are awesome!

Our days: We just moved so things are a little wonky. You typically wake up about 7 or 8ish and smile and coo. You sit in your bounce seat at the table with Mommy and brother during breakfast. Typically after that you are ready for a nap. I nurse and rock you, and put you in the swing while I get ready. Then we go out and about. You ride in your Ergo while Owen plays.

Nicknames: Bubba, Boo, Boo Boo, Squishy Squish, Chunka Monk, Marshmallow Man

Health: so so healthy!

Things I want to remember...

Your sweet baby voice!

Pictures from Month 2 to Month 3...


First Easter!

Abe loves blowing raspberries...

A little brotherly love from the past month!

Here I go! Watch me GROW!


1 Month

2 months

3 months!