Friday, June 7, 2013

TWO YEARS OLD....time for a check up!

My baby boy is TWO years old, and I can hardly believe it! Time flies when you are having fun...

P.S. I am in a sassy mood today.

Owen can talk in paragraphs, yes paragraphs. It is a good and bad thing. :) It is hard to remember he is barely two when he talks like a 4 year old. I have to remember to get on his level. I hope our friends and family can do the same. and if you can't just keep it to yourself- or mean mama bear will come out

He is becoming independent in all the ways he should....

Owen is potty trained. He potty trained at 23 months old. He has an occasional accident, but I can count them on one hand. I know I brag on my son a lot, but I am proud of him. There aren't many 23 month olds that do that, and if you have should be bragging too!

Owen still nurses, and I plan on letting him wean himself. I think he will by three. I've noticed he is nursing less as he becomes more independent. and I don't care if you think it is weird...don't look or tell your husband not too. He is eating for peats sake. I don't tell you to go to a bedroom and feed your child a bottle. I am pretty good at covering up, so if you have a problem with it you must be staring. Breastfeeding (the most nutritious food on the earth) will not be considered normal unless people do it in public.

We still babywear some. He likes to walk more now. We either walk holding my hand, carry him, or wear him. We use the stroller outside (and I love it for that), but other than that I HATE the stroller. I don't want to bother with I don't.

Owen eats like a champ. He is a very healthy eater. He uses a fork and spoon. Not a toddler one....heaven forbid you don't give him an adult utensil!

We struggle with him getting frustrated from time to time, with his new independence. We have tried several things. I've found what works best for him is being as positive as possible. He is learning.... I allow him to let his frustrations out, but he knows he needs to do that in private. It really is hard being two, and I understand that. He just doesn't know what he wants. For example, last night...he didn't want to take a bath and cried the entire time. Then he cried when I took him out because he "just wanted to take a bath AGAIN." He is in indecisive like his mother. :)

He even played outside alone today while I worked out. (fenced in backyard with older kids watching him). He went to sleep without me rocking him today. 

Owen has taught me so much over the past two years. I learn something new every day, and he makes me a better person. :)

It is so funny how your perspective changes....our next baby won't even have a nursery. He or she will have a boob and sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed. If you would have said I would be like that before Owen was born, I would have told you, you were crazy. I've always followed my gut. My gut leans towards mostly attachment parenting (it is what works for Owen). It leads to independent well-rounded kids despite popular belief. You can also still have your husband head of the household. God is my number 1 and Matt is my number 2. Always will be!

We recently had a check-up.

On our way there, Owen said "Mommy I will try to be brave, but I am a little bit nervous." (see what I mean-talks like he is 4)

He cried as soon as he saw the nurse. He did everything she said, but his tears were pouring. See his poor little puddle of tears on the paper?

 Owen was almost 33 inches (21st percentile) and was 23.7 lbs (3rd percentile).

While we waited for Dr. Brycen, Owen gave me a check up. He loves his new "check up bag". He can name EVERY instrument from stethoscope to blood pressure cuff to otoscope. He knows them. Dr. Brycen was very impressed with Dr. Owen's skills.

Owen always tells me I have Elmo in my ears when he looks in them. :)

Owen LOVES Dr. Brycen. I am not sure he knows she is a doctor. She wears regular clothes, brings toys in the room, and is super spunky. When we left he said..."I want to play with Dr. Brycen AAAAGAIN!"

Dr. Brycen said Owen was very healthy. She wasn't concerned about his weight since he doesn't eat junk food and fill up on empty calories. We try our HARDEST to be a "non-processed" family. Did you know the US in the only country in the world that adds chemicals to it's food? Maybe that is why we are right under Cuba in life expectancy....Something to think about. We don't go crazy, but we do try our best to cut some of it out. So many diseases including cancer, are caused by these horrible chemicals. Dr. Brycen is very big into nutrition which I like. Dr. Amason was as well. He was an older doctor, and she is fresh out of school....yet they both know how important eating healthy is!

(I am rambling and getting off subject today)

Dr. Brycen let Owen skip his Hepatitis booster to calm his doctor fears. She said it wouldn't hurt him to get it at the next check up. :)

Owen was excited to pick out a sticker with Dr. Brycen after his appointment. He picked out a truck sticker first, but traded it for a dog sticker when we left. :)

Owen has grown so much over the past two years!!!!

They grow too fast! Don't blink!

Happy Birthday Owen! We love you!