Saturday, December 6, 2014

9 months

  Here is how 9 month pictures went...

Stats: 20 lbs 2 oz (40th percentile) 28 inches (37th percentile)

Clothing Size: A few 9 month, but mostly 12 months

Diaper Size: Size 4. I think I've given up on cloth diapers!

Firsts: Fit! We love you anyway, cutie! First Halloween! First time to swing.
Teeth: 6! Four front teeth on top and two on the bottom

Milestones:  Trying to crawl and pull up! Not there yet. You are doing very well feeding yourself and have mastered the pincer grasp. You say Da Da, Bye Bye, Hi, Ma Ma, Ball, Boo, and Yay. I think you know what they all mean now.
  Food: Breast milk as you please. Anything and everything we eat.

Likes:  Your brother! Bath time! Clapping. Playing Peek A Boo.  Your laugh and learn remote.

Dislikes:  Not being able to crawl.  

Sleep:  What's that?

Favorites:  Your toothy smile! 

Our days: You love to play. Usually take 2-3 naps.

Nicknames: Bubba, Boo, Boo Boo, Butterbean, Tator Tot

Health: so so healthy!

Things I want to remember...
How sweet and snuggly you are! 

Pictures from month 8-9...