Thursday, December 18, 2014

10 months!

Stats:  21 lbs

Clothing Size: 12 months

Diaper Size: Size 4

Firsts: Fight with your brother. Thanksgiving! Christmas party. Music Together Class. First trip to Chuck E. Cheese and first time riding the carousel alone!

 Teeth: 6

Milestones:  You are crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling up. You have started blowing kisses. You love to point to tell us what you want. You say "sis" as you point. I think you are saying this, but not 100%. You have really taken off with talking! You make a few sounds all the time. You love to say nah nah nah and goo goo gah gah (you literally say it...I promise). Here are some of your words and how you say them...
Ball- Bah!
Hi- I!
Hey- Ey!
Dog -Dah!
Bye Bye
Tree- E! (you love to look at the Christmas tree)
Num Num- as soon as you see food you say this over and over

You can also sign More and All Done. You TRY to say them...almost got it! 

Food: You eat everything....anything you can get your hands on. (even things that you shouldn't eat) You really amaze me with the things you can eat. You took your brother's apple slice last week and ate the whole thing. You take little bites and chew with your front teeth. You drink breast milk when you want it. Still like to nurse all night, but I think it is because you are too busy to eat during the day. 

Likes:  Kissing! You kiss everything...your toys, the floor, your food, love to kiss and blow kisses. Of course you still love your brother! Anything your brother is playing with... Bath time! Clapping. Your talking choo choo. Playing peek a boo. Pulling hair. Your "cabinet" with plastic plates and cups. Touch and feel books. Cords!

Dislikes:  When you don't get what you want! You bend your back and fall on the floor when you are mad. You also bite things when you are frustrated. 

Sleep:  What's that?
Favorites: When you blow kisses and do your "nose scrunch" face

Our days: You wake up really happy and ready to play. You usually wear yourself out, and take a morning nap. We have a little schedule throughout the week so that we get out daily and you and Owen are with other children often. We go to Excel by 5, the library, Bear Cub Club, and Music Class each week. We save one day to do what Owen picks or a MOMS Club activity. You are like your brother and need to go somewhere every day. We come home for lunch and nap. Then we usually play outside or in brother's room.

Nicknames: Bubba, Boo, Boo Boo,Butterbean, Tator Tot

Health: You had Hand, Foot, and Mouth and the flu (even though we did everything we could to prevent it-you had the shot) Luckily, with some good Mama Milk and lots of prayers you bounced back quickly!

Things I want to remember...
I don't want to forget anything! Your personality is so sweet and precious. Can you stay little forever?

Pictures from Month 9-10

Your "cabinet"

First Music Together Class...

First Thanksgiving...

First trip to Chuck E. Cheese

Loves Touch and Feel books

I dropped a cookie...Abe found it!

Photography by Owen at 6 AM