Sunday, October 19, 2014

8 months!

I can't believe this angel is 8 months!

Mad because he can't eat his 8 month sticker!

Stats: I weighed you when you got your flu shot and you were 19lbs 15oz

Clothing Size: 9 months are getting snug. Moving into 12 months

Diaper Size: Size 4 or second rise on your cloth diapers

Firsts: First bruise! First time to play peek-a-boo!

Teeth: 3!!! The two bottom and the top right "lateral incisor". He is cutting the tooth next to his two front teeth first. 

Milestones:  Trying to crawl and pull up! Not there yet. You are doing very well feeding yourself and have mastered the pincer grasp. You say Da Da, Bye Bye, Hi, Ma Ma, and Yay. I think you know what they all mean now, except for Mama.
Food: Breast milk as you please. You were eating a jar or two of baby food at the beginning of this month, but you are pretty much just eating regular food now.  You eat so well! You like everything. Your favorite food is chicken and PAPER! I have to watch you closely so you don't eat it. I found a small sticker in your diaper today.

Likes:  Your brother! Bath time! Clapping. Playing on the floor. Balls. Being Outside on a blanket.

Dislikes:  Getting your face wiped, when you can't reach a toy. When you throw your ball and you can't get it. 

Sleep:  I have put the pack in play in our room. Some nights you sleep in there, some you don't. You aren't a very good sleeper. You stay hungry in the night, and wake to eat. You wake at least 2-3 times. I love you, so I don't mind. ;) I don't worry about it since you are number 2. I know you will sleep eventually. I also know how precious this time is, and that in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter. 

Favorites:  You are the happiest baby. I love when you try to grab your brother and when you kiss/eat my face.  Your personality is the best! You make this sound "Issss" all the time. I love it. 

Our days: You wake up at about 6:30-7 every day. We play and have breakfast. You are ready to nurse at 8:15 on the dot and you take a morning nap around 8:30. You put yourself into this little routine. Mornings are always the same.  You eat lunch then take another nap somewhere between 12 and 1. Sometimes you still take an evening nap before dinner.

Nicknames: Bubba, Boo, Boo Boo, Squishy Squish

Health: so so healthy!

Things I want to remember...

Everything about this age! It is the BEST!

Pictures from month 7-8!

First time to paint

Growing like a WEED!