Wednesday, October 15, 2014

7 months!

Stats: No official stats this month, but I weighed you in at 20lbs on the nose!

Clothing Size: 9 months

Diaper Size: Size 4 or second rise on your cloth diapers

Firsts: First wagon ride! First time to stay in the church nursery. First time to experience separation anxiety. First time riding in a shopping cart! First Beach Trip!

Teeth: A new category! You cut two teeth a little after your six month birthday. They are the 2 bottom teeth. :)

Milestones:  You clap and attempt to say YEA! You wave bye bye and hi! You babble so many sounds! You sit like a champ and roll. Trying hard to crawl, but not there yet!

Food: Breast milk as you please and about 1 jar of baby food a day. You like everything. I haven't found anything you won't eat. I think your favorite food is peaches.

Likes:  Your brother! Bath time! Your hands and feet! Your toy keys! Sitting up! Saying Da Da and screaming AHHHH!!!! Biting Mommy...
Dislikes:  Getting your face wiped.

Best Moment: Watching you play on the beach.

Worst Moment: None this month. Yea!

Sleep:  I have put the pack in play in our room. Some nights you sleep in there, some you don't. You aren't a very good sleeper. You stay hungry in the night, and wake to eat. You wake at least 2-3 times. I love you, so I don't mind. ;)

Favorites:  You are the happiest baby. I love when you try to grab your brother and when you kiss/eat my face. 

Our days: You wake up at about 6:30 every day. We play and have breakfast. You take a morning nap between 8 and 9 typically. You eat lunch then take another nap. Sometimes you still take an evening nap before dinner.

Nicknames: Bubba, Boo, Boo Boo, Squishy Squish

Health: so so healthy!

Things I want to remember...

Your sweet, sweet, personality!

Favorite pics from month 6-7!

Watch me GROW!