Monday, March 10, 2014

Abraham: One Month

Stats: We don't have your length, because I just took you to get weighed today. You didn't have an appointment. You were 10lbs 12oz, and in the 50th percentile for weight.


Clothing Size: Newborn, although you are definitely out growing them. 

Diaper Size:You are on the smallest rise on your regular cloth diapers and just moved up to size 1 in disposable. 

Firsts: Everything is kind of a first right now. It is so much fun! First doctor's appointment! You had your first at home sponge bath and regular bath. You've had lots of visitors. You've went out to eat. You went to brother's gymnastics class.  First time being worn in the Ergo and Moby! First Valentine's Day! First time to go to Sunday School with Mommy and Daddy. 

Milestones:  Your stinky umbilical stump finally fell off at 2 weeks. You smiled at about 3 weeks, and I just love your gummy grin! You have started blowing raspberries

Food: You are exclusively breastfed and doing wonderful! We feed you on demand. I was very happy that our pediatrician made sure we did this!

Favorites: The sound of the bathroom fan. Looking at picture frames, glasses, and hats. Being swaddled, but not your arms right now-you get really mad if I do that.  Going outside... Being worn... Being Held... 

Dislikes: Not being held, riding in the car, loud sudden noises, being cold 

Best Moment: This question is hard. There are so many. Probably watching you and your brother bond.

Worst Moment: Mommy accidentally spilled ice water on your feet. It was tragic.  

Sleep: You will only sleep in my arms. At night, I have to have one arm underneath you and one arm over you. If I slightly move, you wake up-no matter how long you've been asleep. You are a snuggler and you love being close. I always tell you Mommy and Daddy like to "spoil" our babies so you are a lucky guy. I will hold you all you want. I know all to well how fast this time will fly by. 

Our days: Well a schedule with a toddler and a newborn would be a funny joke. Besides, who likes a strict schedule? You typically wake up when brother does, because Mommy moves. ;)  But I usually change your diaper, put you in the Ergo and tend to Owen's needs. You love to ride and nap. I feed you when you are hungry. You sleep A LOT. We go to gymnastics every Thursday, and I am trying to go out and about one or two more times a week. You wake up every 3 hours in the night to eat if I had to guess. Sometimes you go for a longer stretch. I am not positive because I don't look at the clock. I just feed you. If I don't keep track of the time I sleep better, and I can trick myself into thinking I got more sleep. 

Favorites: Your smiles and grunts. You are the gruntiest baby. You don't like being moved when you are comfy.

Nicknames: Abe and brother calls you "Abey Baby" sometimes. 

Health: You are healthy as a horse! You still have a little newborn rash that comes and goes..

Things I don't want to forget:

*The way your brother rubs your head, and tells you, you are his best friend.*

*The way you hold on to me.*

Pictures from your first four weeks in this world....

First Valentine's Day...

First time in Moby...

First sponge bath...

First time in Ergo...

First "real" bath...

First smiles... (cell phone quality)

First trip to church to visit Mommy and Daddy's Sunday School...

Brotherly Love from the start...

HERE I GO! Watch me GROW!

Birth-8lbs 1oz (50-75th percentile)

2 weeks-8lbs 13oz (75th percentile)

1 month-10lbs 12 oz (50th percentile)