Thursday, December 19, 2013

32 weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks today! Our baby boy *could* be here in 8 weeks. I had my doctor's appointment yesterday and I am still measuring a week behind. Matt and I finally toured the hospital today, and turned in the paperwork. I guess we are somewhat ready? My goal is to write my birth plan and get a car seat installed after the holidays.  This shirt makes me look huge, but I was too tired to change into a different one.

Baby Size:  These are averages, but somewhere around 4 pounds and 16-17 inches long.

Total weight gain/loss: 25lbs. 

Maternity clothes?  All maternity clothes now! 

Stretch marks? Nope.  
Sleep: a splendid thing!

Best Moment this week? Finishing up wrapping presents... I am sorry if your presents look horrible this year, but sitting on the floor and wrapping presents when you are about the size of a beached whale isn't easy. (not to mention my sweet 2 year old loves to *help* me haha)

Miss Anything? Being comfortable!

Movement: Most of Abe's movement is at night. 

Food cravings: Ice, Ice, and more ice

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nausea is creeping back up on me some days. 

Labor Signs:  I've had a couple of Braxton Hicks.

Have you started to show yet: Yep!

Belly Button in or out?  In 

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Symptoms:  This pregnancy has been a lot harder. I loved being pregnant with Owen, not so much with Abe. I will give you the list, but I am sure every pregnant woman knows what the symptoms are! Nausea, achy ribs, achy back, achy everything? (haha), tired but can't sleep,  and trying not to pass out has become a daily occurrence.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Mmm a little of both!

Looking forward to: Christmas!