Thursday, December 5, 2013

30 weeks!

How far along? 30 weeks today! Wow! I can count on my fingers the amount of weeks before Abe is due. Slow down time. I haven't even filled my hospital paperwork out yet. ;) I had an appointment yesterday. I am measuring slightly smaller (measuring 29 weeks), so I have a feeling this one will be late like my O! :)

Baby Size:  3 lbs and 15.7 inches long (averages from Babycenter)

Total weight gain/loss: 20lbs.  

Maternity clothes?  All maternity clothes now! 

Stretch marks? Nope.  
Sleep: I'm always tired, but wake up a lot in the night.

Best Moment this week? Ummm....when I got to eat Moe's after my appointment.

Miss Anything? Being comfortable!

Movement: Most of Abe's movement is at night. 

Food cravings:  Ice and strawberries. I hate the sound of chomping ice (even when it is myself, so I blend it in a blender like a snow cone before I eat it...and I will eat cup after cup), and I haven't liked strawberries I love them!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.

Labor Signs:  None

Have you started to show yet: Yep!

Belly Button in or out?  In 

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Symptoms: They are in full swing now. Achy ribs, back, can't get comfortable or breathe...I think second pregnancies are harder. Debating on whether or not we will have 3 at this point. ;)

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy for the most part. 

Looking forward to:Christmas!