Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Be My Valentine!

I must start this blog by saying, I have the TWO best Valentines!

Valentine's was full of fun, so bear with me while I overload you with pictures.

Isn't it AMAZING the difference a year can make? Seriously, how could you NOT love this cute little Valentine?!?!


This year I decided to do "14 Days Of Valentines" with Matt and Owen. They found a little happy waiting for them every morning.

I didn't take pictures of Matt's, because I had to sneak them in the wee early hours of the morning before he woke up. :)

Owen REALLY enjoyed getting a "Tamentine" every day.

Here are some of Owen's 14 Days of Valentine's...

"You "Blow" Me Away"(knew he would love this one!)

He was SOO excited! This baby LOVES Bubbles!!!

"You make life a little "Sweeter".

"Valentine, You're Dino-mite"

"Hugs and Kisses"

 This picture melts my heart!!!

"I "wheelie" love playing with you"

"It's "O-Fish-al" You're the Best Kid Ever"

"I love your "bear" hugs. They are so special."

"You make my heart Bounce"

"You "Color" my World with Happiness"

"Love you to the "Moon" and Back"

"You're the "Apple" of my eye"

"Choo Choo, I love you!"

Owen also got an "I love you to Pieces" Valentine with Reese's Pieces, and a "You Make my Heart POP" with Popcorn. For some reason, I didn't snap a picture of those two. 

The fun doesn't stop with 14 Days of Valentines...

Owen had a Valentine making party with the MOMS club a few days before Valentine's Day. We made Valentines to deliver to the elderly at Freedom Manor. Owen had fun making Valentines and playing with Ms. Heather's toys. :)

"This is how I ride a horse, Mama"

When we got home, Owen found a "happy" in the mailbox from his Mimi and Poppy. It was a sock monkey Valentine.

Owen was so excited he took a lap around the house before reading his card. Mail is VERY exciting. ;)

We had a lot of fun decorating Valentine cookies with sprinkles.

...and even more fun EATING them!

On Valentines morning, we went to deliver our Valentines at Freedom Manor. Aunt Devon got to come with us. Owen was so excited!

Matt had to work on Valentine's Day so Owen and I planned some fun for the night.

I thought I would take him to Publix to pick out a Valentine balloon. Owen decided he didn't want a heart balloon. He wanted a DINOSAUR balloon that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY. So...Dinosaur Birthday Balloon is what he got!

We had heart-shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's.

Watching the pizza bake...


I let Owen pick out his own ice cream while we were getting a balloon. He wanted BLUE ice cream. I looked high and low, and Publix does not carry ANY blue ice cream. Imagine that? He went for the second best-chocolate. It definitely wasn't blue, but I think it did the trick. :)

Our ice cream...

A whole pint just for Owen...

After Valentines day dinner of pizza and ice cream, Owen and I snuggled up in the bed and watched movies. He stayed up until 2 in the morning. He was so cute. He could barely keep his eyes open, but he was determined to watch all of his movies.

We hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day! Sending lots of hugs....