Sunday, February 3, 2013

20 months

Yes, you read that right, my sweet baby boy is 20 months old. I can't say that sentence without tears in my eyes. Time flies by so fast now that we have Owen. 

He really isn't a baby anymore. He is my sweet, smart little toddler.

He has changed so much, but has stayed the same in many ways. He is still the happiest child. He has such a zeal for life. He enjoys every second. He is still tender-hearted and loving.

Updates on Owen...
Owen weighs about 22 lbs.

He is very tall and is in mostly 18 month clothing.

We FINALLY cut our molars! Owen now has 12 teeth. (4 on top, 4 on bottom, and 4 molars)

He can eat with a fork and a spoon. He wants to eat EVERYTHING with a utensil. He does a really good job!

His favorite foods are broccoli, popcorn, steak, salad (we are so spoiled!), soup, cooked orange bell peppers, guacamole, Kale chips, and he loves his occasional french fries. He eats so many different healthy foods. It makes me happy! He has never had fast food, and I try to cook mostly non-processed foods. We never make him finish his plate, but we don't offer "special" food. He gets what we have and that is it. We don't deprive him by all means, but we really want Owen to be healthy. I love when he asks for a snack he asks for fruit, celery with peanut butter, raisins...etc.

He dislikes tomatoes and marshmallows.

He still nurses daily.

He plays by himself, and loves to pretend. The other day he was making this weird noise and hitting his mouth. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Eating spaghetti" and looked at me like I was crazy. Couldn't I see that is what he was doing?

We are learning toys and food aren't for throwing, and hands are for helping. :) He is doing great!

His favorite toys are his kitchen set, shopping cart, slide, Magna Doodle, and puzzles.

His favorite movie is Baby Signing Time.

His favorite shows are Barney, Gullah Gullah Island, Dinosaur Train, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Doc McStuffins.

He uses the potty from time to time when he wants too. When he goes potty in his diaper he tells me. "Mommy I tee tee in my diaper" "Mommy I poopin' in my diaper" 

He wakes up full throttle!

He loves to pick out his clothes and diapers. 

His favorite diapers are "frog", "monkey", and "dog".

He wears his Alabama baseball cap every day. (sometimes even while he is sleeping)

He is terrified of the doctor's office.

He tells me he is "missin' his daddy" while Matt is at work. He also greets Matt with an "I lah you" every night.

He loves to pretend to talk on the phone. He is always calling his Mimi.

He loves to talk about Uncle Nekko's dog "Soapie". (Sophie)

He loves Aunt Devon's boyfriend, Casey. If I tell him Aunt Devon is coming he says "And Casey, BIG Casey, Yay!!!!!"

He is VERY into birthdays since my birthday has past. We sing Happy Birthday, and have birthday parties for his stuffed animals.

He loves to get into my make-up.

My favorite word he says at the moment is yogurt. "No-gurt"

I know I say this all the time but he is SO intelligent!

He can say anything, and understands everything. The only thing he has trouble comprehended is a few prepositions. He gets up and down confused, under and over....etc.

He can say his ABC's and count to 10 with little to no help.

He knows all of his colors.

He knows the shapes: circle, square, triangle, oval, diamond, and octagon. (He doesn't know rectangle, but he knows octagon-so funny!)

He loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

He memorizes books. I read them to him about 3 times, and then he reads me the story. It is unbelievable.

He loves telling stories. Some of his favorite stories to tell are about Christmas and his friends at church. Here is an example of our everyday conversations.

"Ho Ho comin' Mommy. Ho Ho comin' down the chimney, bring pwesents. HO HO HO! Maggie dog, Maggie dog, lick my hand. HAHA! It so funny!" (We went to Matt's parents house for Christmas and their dog's name is Maggie)

"Church Mommy? Fwiends, Fun Fwiends at church. I play tunnel. I JUMP JUMP JUMP. I play bubbles. I have bubble pahty with my teachers. It fun!"

"I go library, Mommy? I go see Miss Nay Nay. She make silly monkey face. It so funny. Ha Ha Ha!"

I love his stories!

I wish I could tell you everything he has accomplished. He is learning so fast, that I can't keep up with it all.

He has started saying funny/embarrassing things. I am going to keep a notebook with all of the cute things he says.

Here are some of  the funny things he has said lately....

*Lady falls in grocery store*
Me: "Are you okay?"
Owen: *Laughs hysterically as loud as possible*

Me: "Owen, are you going to take a nap today?"
Owen: "No, thank you."
"I pwoud ah you, Mama"
"My hair is cold"
Here are some more pictures from our 20 month pictures...
 I love his big bluish-grey eyes, sweet smile, fuzzy head, little button nose, and his silly personality.

I wish time would slow down just a little bit, but I am loving every minute of being Owen's Mommy! I thank the Lord every day for the past 20 months. I am so blessed to be Owen's Mommy. :)