Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Time for a check-up!

Today was Abe's 2 month check-up. Can you believe he is TWO months old?!?!?! I like saying 8 makes me feel like he isn't growing up so fast. Stay tuned for my 2 month update...hopefully soon!

Abe and Dr. Bryson

Abe's vital signs

BMI: 19.8
Weight: 13 lbs- 85th percentile
Height: 21.5 inches-20-25th percentile
Head Circumference: 15.35 inches- 30th percentile
Temperature: 98.9
Heart Rate: 144 bpm
Respiratory Rate: 68 rpm

Immunizations and Reactions
  • Hepatitis B
  • Pentacel (DTap-IPV/Hib)
  • Prevnar 13 (PCV13)
  • RotaTeq (oral)
Reactions have been the norm. A little fussy, low grade fever, not much appetite, sleeping, and spitting up more than usual. 

Dr. Bryson said that Abe was very strong and healthy. 

We talked about the importance of a rear-facing car seat, only feeding breast milk (no water, juice, foods, etc.) and all the silly things that most parents already know.

 We don't have to go back until 4 months! We are blessed with two happy, healthy little boys!

Our other happy, healthy man drew with Daddy while he waited.

A look back...

Birth- 8lbs 1 oz (50th-75th percentile)

 2 weeks-8lbs 13oz (75th percentile)

1 month-10lbs 12 oz (50th percentile)

2 months- 13 lbs (85th percentile)