Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Owen's very FIRST haircut...

Today was a big day for my precious Owen. We said good-bye to our baby mullet, and hello to his "big boy" haircut.

I was looking at his little mullet this weekend, and decided he was starting to resemble Billy Ray Cyrus he might need a small trim so that his hair could thicken up a little.

Owen and I had a big discussion about haircuts this morning. I told him he was going to get his haircut, and if he was really brave he would get some ice cream. I even drew a picture for him on his chalkboard.

Owen listened carefully as I spoke with him about haircuts. He then started scribbling on his chalkboard, and this is the conversation I overheard....

"Okay, you get your HANDS cut off baby"

 "Brave-get ice cream"

(Note to self- draw hands on stick people next time!) 

After telling Owen he got to keep his hands, we got our little box out for our first snip of hair to be placed, and were on our way.

I must admit I got a little teary eyed on the way there. Not necessarily because Owen was getting his hair cut, but because of how fast time has went by! Owen is 21 months. He will be two years old before I know it. There are no more one-word sentences, and babbles at our house. He is having full on conversations. He doesn't walk...he runs. He sings his ABC's and several other songs all the time. I realized on the way to get his haircut, my baby has grown up in the blink of an eye! For the first time, I felt like Owen wasn't a baby, but a big boy. It doesn't help that he is one going on 31. ;)

I said a sweet little prayer on the way to the salon.  I know Owen is getting older, and he is absorbing everything from the world around him. He will learn more from what I do then what I tell him to do. I prayed that Matt and I will always be a good example to him. I prayed that we will show him how a married couple are supposed to love each other. I prayed for his salvation, and for his future wife. I prayed that he always knows he is loved by so many people, but also knows he is loved by God even more. I also prayed that if time couldn't slow down, that God would help me to cherish all of these moments. That I would always let Owen be a curious child, and not lose my patience as he learns about the world around him. I know he can't be a child forever, but I prayed that I would let him "be a child" and not make him grow up too soon. I prayed that God would help me to understand his frustrations as he gets closer to two, and to let me see how tough it is to be two years old. And last, I prayed that he would help me to not only remember all of Owen's precious firsts, but also his precious "lasts". Then I got out of the car, and rubbed that sweet little mullet one last time.

Owen's first haircut took place at Parkside Salon. It is a little Salon right down the road from our house. 

Say Good-bye to the baby mullet! 

A few last pictures...

Getting ready for his hair cut...

First Snip...

I just love the look on his face in this picture. He was so brave. He sat very still, and didn't cry at all. He was a perfect angel.

Owen's first lock of hair...

A few more snips...

He's a big boy now!

I promised Owen ice cream for his good behavior. He wanted BLUE ice cream from Edgewood Creamery. Unfortunately, when we got there they were closed due to a power outage. Owen settled for a stale blue cupcake from Heart and Soul Cafe.

If you live in the Homewood area, and are looking for a place to get your haircut check out Parkside Salon! It was such a great experience.

We have a busy few weeks ahead! We've been to several places lately including Bud's Best for a cookie factory tour. Lots more fun updates to come!