Sunday, June 3, 2012

My First Post!

I am new at this, so please be patient with me. :) I have lots to learn. :) This past year has been really rough on our family. Working full time, and leaving Owen at daycare has been really hard on us. It felt like every day was a routine. Get up at 5, get ready, get Owen ready, leave for daycare at 7:15, get home at 6, feed Owen, put him to bed, Mommy's exhausted and crashes on the couch. Some days the only "awake" time I got with Owen was with him sitting in his bumbo seat in the shower with me. (you find so many things to keep them entertained while you get ready). There is no family time in that schedule. God created women as nurturers. I wasn't getting to "nurture" anyone.  Matt's needs were obviously not being met. Owen was spending more time with teachers than family. We quickly discovered this was not the life for us.  Matt and I have prayed really hard, and decided that I should stay home with Owen. My new job will be taking care of Matt and Owen. We know this is what God wants for our family.  I can't wait to get to spend my days with Owen, and give him the time he deserves. I am excited about giving Matt the time he deserves as well. 

Once we decided I was staying home. I quickly started planning ways to make the best of my time with Owen. I will be taking care of sweet Anna Scott with Owen this year. This is probably one of the things I am most excited about. I can't wait! Owen is going to have a play mate that is only 3 weeks older than him. I am excited to give Anna Scott one on one time she deserves too. She is so sweet, and I already love her. :) I hope I make the transition easy on her sweet Momma. I know how hard it is to leave your baby.

I have joined the "Over the Mountain Moms Club". They have SO many activities. Great for the children, and the Mommas.  We are getting the best of both worlds. I am getting to nurture our family, and Owen will get to learn to share and interact with other children. 

Pinterest has become my best friend. I have found "toddler school" printables, and so many sensory activities. I have all of the libraries schedules written in my planner. This month we will get to visit the Mayfield Ice Cream truck, go to the zoo, go to the botanical gardens, and possibly visit the Homewood pool (I don't know if I am that brave yet). I don't know if Anna Scott and Owen are going to be able to handle all of the fun I have planned for them. ;) 

I am excited about going to the Magic City Slingers meetings. I love baby wearing! I hope they can teach me how to wear Owen and Anna Scott at the same time. They will both get held, and I will get my workout in for the day. Win win!

 We have a fun year planned!
 I will have a little more time on my hands to "document" what is going on in our lives. I am so excited to get this started. We have had an exciting week! Owen turned one, Daddy had a birthday, and we had a big sock monkey party. Stay tuned for more!